Does anybody know about the new release of Destiny


Mr X


I have all Saxon cd's except Destiny,I have been a fan since they began.I have it on vinyl but not on cd.Ebay the auction site as about 4 copies imported from France does this mean then that it is going to be finally Released :)?
Also are they going to release a concert on dvd?

I just picked it up and it is killer, has 3 bouus tracks, artwork, and slipcase.


hello to all saxon fans
axekiller has re-released the following saxon albums
power and the glory + two bonus tracks
innocence is no excuse +two bonus tracks
destiny + two bonus tracks
i have been a saxon fan for a lot of years i have all saxon albums released i have even got the forever free
limited edition special cover of the album

My copy of Destiny is on the way courtesy of CDZONE. All I need now is "ROCK-ROLL GYPSIES" and my Saxon collection is complete.

I have all Saxon Cds. Saxon is not very popular in France but it is not hard to find Saxon CDs...


Rock 'n Roll Gypsies was one of the first Saxon discs that I ever bought. Great disc.