Does anybody still read metal magazines?


Jun 14, 2007
I was checking out a few different mags that I used to read a while back for maybe placing a ad for

More specifically I was looking at the Pit and Metal Hammer. Since I'm putting up my own money and not advertising for any merch or sales.

Some of the other ones I was thinking of were: Terrorizer, Metal Maniacs...:err: :err:

I don't and don't really care to. I mean, I like the idea of a metal mag but the coverage just isn't there since I wouldn't want to always read about Lamb of God or Trivium....unless there is a magazine dedicated to say, obscure black metal that I could easily purchase by going to a local shop then ok but until then no.
I grew up reading HP and Metal Edge, but Metal Edge sucks now. They got Nickelback and all that crap in there. Terrorizer is pretty good, PIT is good. But to answer your Q, NO. It's online free anything you need to know. I used to support the mags and keep it real, but with the gas prices and everything else going out the roof, and the paycheck staying idle, it's not in the budget. It's sad really. I used to love buying metal mags.
I enjoy going into bookstores and reading Terrorizer and Metal Maniacs, and Unrestrained when they have it. I don't know how much more underground people would expect these magazines to be. There's a lot of obscure stuff in there. One problem is language barriers, which makes interviewing many worthy bands impossible.
LotFP is good too, but releases are sporadic these days.

Metal Hammer is shit.
I still buy and read Metal Maniacs on occassion... if I were you I would start off advertising in Fanzines.... because in major mags like Metal Maniacs.. it can be pricey... also you should learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to get ranked high on such search engines like Yahoo, Google etc... You should also trade links with other sites that already have traffic whether they are competitors or non competitors... Banner Ads or Hardlinks...anyways here's a good site to learn SEO & for Fanzines: (A Zine that reviews thousands of Zines.. you can buy one issue and get a whole list of Zines for Metal in one shot) (a store in NYC that sells nothing but independent publications like Zines... you can call them up and perhaps order some metal Zines to be sent to your house)
I subscribe to BWBK. I'd probably read it online if it weren't for the Knuckle Tracks CD with every issue, great way to hear new bands.
I'd love to have prescription to Terrorizer if I didn't have to pay for it. I sometimes consider picking up an issue from the local record store now and then, but I haven't followed through on those considerations.
I'd love to have prescription to Terrorizer if I didn't have to pay for it. I sometimes consider picking up an issue from the local record store now and then, but I haven't followed through on those considerations.

I've found that it's pretty useless to spend money on magazines when the internet has just as much info on the bands covered most of the time. Still, I've been tempted many a time having seen some recent issues. :kickass:
I still read Terrorizer and Metal Maniacs frequently, one of my drawers is filled with old issues of both.
I read a Metal Maniacs and it seemed legitimate. I especially liked the "Underground Death and Black Metal Report" they had, but it seemed like all genres were well represented. I also like reading the more underground zines that occasionally get tossed in with my orders.
I read a Metal Maniacs and it seemed legitimate. I especially liked the "Underground Death and Black Metal Report" they had, but it seemed like all genres were well represented. I also like reading the more underground zines that occasionally get tossed in with my orders.

Nathan T. Birk writes for that column. he comes off as a smug know-it-all sometimes, but he DOES know his shit.