Does anyone have any good cymbal samples?


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
I don't see any threads or anything about cymbals so I'd figure I'd ask.

I really think I'm going to make use of my server and have a permanent storage solution for all drum samples/impulses/XT patches/AD patches/etc etc.
Cymbals are very hard to get "right" for the purpose of sampling. When it came time to sample our cymbals I thought it would be a breeze but it took longer then the drums. And then after I recorded them straight to digital, I threw out the hard drive, and started from scratch, this time recording them all to 2inch. Top end sounded way better. I'd recommend when sampling your cymbals to use four mics. Small diaghram about 10 inches away, aiming from the top. Then a large diaghram about 30 inches away aiming from the top (these two mics will need to be phase flipped), and then two room mics to capture some vibe. Print the room mics seperately.