Does Anyone Have Some Ulysses Siren or Cyclone Temple Songs I Can Listen To?


Feb 7, 2003
I've only managed to find one Cyclone Temple song, and no Ulysses Siren songs. They both sound like interesting bands, but I can't really find any music by them. Can anyone help me out?
I have Cyclone's "I hate therefore I am" album, but I guess you were asking about mp3's, weren't you? If so, I have only two songs from other albums: "drug of the masses" and the ballad "my friend lonely"- they're with different singers. I share them on WinMx, if you're interested, but it's pretty hard to dl from me...
oops, I totally flubbed and thought Ms. A was talking about Cyclone Temple. I think Ulysses Siren is on hold because JT is doing Angel Witch with Kev again (and a couple guys from Heathen).

As for Relentless, I have no idea, as I though Tambre had a Villain reissue coming out soon.....