Does anyone know any other voaclist that was considered to fill Matt barlows place.

Haha, you're not the best vocalist in the world. Hansi Kürsch is! I love Kürsch's vox, they fucking own...You need to hear my vox too, they aren't bad, but they aren't Godly like Kürsch. For those of you idiots who don't know, Kürsch is the vocalist for Blind Guardian...him and Barlow are likely my favorites of all time. Therefore, you can't be the world's greatest. So there.
Hypnos666 said:
Haha, you're not the best vocalist in the world. Hansi Kürsch is! I love Kürsch's vox, they fucking own...You need to hear my vox too, they aren't bad, but they aren't Godly like Kürsch. For those of you idiots who don't know, Kürsch is the vocalist for Blind Guardian...him and Barlow are likely my favorites of all time. Therefore, you can't be the world's greatest. So there.
Hah! I use Antsy Hansi as butt floss.

Actually, I love BG, and my brother owns Nightfall In Middle-Earth, but I'm probably better than HK. Unless of course he can rap, growl, croon, snarl, and fly.

Alright, fine. I can't fly either.
Well...*shrugs* all I can do is thrash, melodic, a bit of death, and industrial style vocals. I'd rather not be able to rap...and what the hell is FLY?!'s where you grow wings, and flap really hard, and jump off a cliff and sail among the clouds in a fit of ecstasy...or maybe that's DIE...hmmmm.

I don't know how to post mp3's or stuff. If you can walk me through posting .wav files, I'll let you guys listen in...
I can too. I do this one thing where I breathe in and then let out air from my mouth, making sound as it happens. It's really cool.