Does apTrigga support random-mode when using MIDI?


Nov 17, 2008
am i missing something?? no matter what I do, when i send MIDI to aptrigga it will only playback the selected/active sample, even when up to 9 are loaded, and random mode is definitely selected. anyone else encounter this? i just read the manual top to bottom and it didn't mention anything about it being different when using MIDI instead of audio. am i just retarded?
yowza, my apologies for not finding that thread!!

and lulz at you just seeing my sig now, it's been like that for ages now :lol:

it was somewhere in early - mid '07 i think, my band drove out to johnstown, ny (from boston) and had this chick maryhelen tagging along, and i was DEATHLY ill, and after playing the show we weren't too eager to drive all the way back. so she mentioned knowing some people in oneonta we could crash with and insisted it wasn't far from there. well she was wrong, as woman usually are regarding geography, it was way the fuck out of the way. but it ended up being worth it, since oneonta is such an adorable little village. i didn't really meet any of our shelter providers, just instantly keeled over choking to death on bronchitis on the couch. the next day we visited a little head shop overlooking the mountains and had breakfast at the little cafe next door before embarking on the long journey back home. i'd visit again, if it were convenient. haha.

p.s. happy 17,000th post, you sneap-junkie.
Hahaha, thanks dude, didn't even notice (fuck :lol: ) - and yeah, I actually commented on your sig in some other thread months ago, and then forgot about it, and then seized the opportunity once again :D I miss that adorable little village of drunken college debauchery :headbang: