Does it sounds good???


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi Sneapsters

I'm currently mixing a one-man band. The guy plays guitar and bass and drums are programmed. I think the drums sound not bad but I'm fighting to get a decent bass/guitars sound. Honestly atm I cannot tell if the shit sounds good or not, if the parts drums/bass/guitars fit well together so any opinions would help.

Updated mix
deosnt sound glued to me at all. and kick is too clicky. bass might still be too quiet too.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree for the kick. I like clicky kick but sometimes its too much... What would you do to glue all the parts? Also you think the bass is too quiet??

Other suggestions would help me to get this stuff better mixed.
Well, it sounds fucking horrible actually! :Puke: I think should stop this stuff for a while.