does the Bible teach Evolution?

I saw a documentary on Moses' journey and it deduced that the parting of the water was a precisely timed escape through the Nile delta's tital marshes, made possible by his intimate knowledge of the terrain.

you realize of course that this assumes that the Exodus happened at all... isn't it more probable that the story was simply invented?
you realize of course that this assumes that the Exodus happened at all... isn't it more probable that the story was simply invented?
I really don't find it hard to believe that a group of formerly indentured servants would just pack their shit and leave, especially if they weren't being treated very well and they were convinced that their contractual obligations had been fulfilled.
According to the documentary, it was muddy and difficult even for Moses and his followers to walk through, but their pursuers were unable to follow because their horse carriages got stuck and then the area flooded.

Thing that bothers me about that is how the people that built the Pyramids would have thought they could cross mud bogs with Chariots
Just the basic point that someone fimiliar with "their equipment" knows muck and wheels dont mix, not that I would assume tje base of the sea of which just waters parted would be firm either.
The Tower of Babel. Its clearly a myth to describe how languages came to be. Plus of course the flood myth with Noah in chs. 6-9 not to mention people living for hundreds of years... plus numerous other historical innaccuracies such as where the human race originated, how long the human race has been around, etc. Basically if these stories were found in say the Rig Veda or some Jainist text Christians would laugh at them and call them myths... but since they are in the bible they cling to them desperately while the more intelligent Christians explain them away as mythical stories meant to teach divine truth even though the bible itself interprets them literally and bases important Christian doctrines upon those literal interpretations.

thanks for directly answering my question
some of the people here won't actually do that
totally forgot that the "tower of babel" was specifically chapter 11, even though i did actually remeber it was AFTER "Noah's Flood"
It was probably a desperation attempt to prevent them from escaping before they gained enough distance to become irretrievable.

I was thinking about this further today. I dont know the distance covered prior to "reaching the sea", but... how come Moses and this entire tribe of people, presumably men, woman and children, all on foot, were not caught up to with carts until they were already across the sea or flood plain ? How could Moses be the ONLY one that knew the territory ? Is waiting and pursueing by foot a recent concept ?

I only payed attention to bits and pieces of the documentary I watched/listened too.
I was thinking about this further today. I dont know the distance covered prior to "reaching the sea", but... how come Moses and this entire tribe of people, presumably men, woman and children, all on foot, were not caught up to with carts until they were already across the sea or flood plain ? How could Moses be the ONLY one that knew the territory ? Is waiting and pursueing by foot a recent concept ?

I only payed attention to bits and pieces of the documentary I watched/listened too.
I don't remember exactly what happened, but I think they demanded freedom claiming that their obligations had been filled and were simply allowed to leave and that later the Pharaoh changed his mind and ordered for a retrieval party be sent out.