The Philosopher Forum takes a beating from Faq-Q!

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I came to this forum because of the mature and intelligient discussion. If anyone here(and I'm sure you have) been to some of the other forums on Ultimate Metal, then you would realize that most could'nt find their ass with both hands, a map and a flashlight. Now, they are going to infiltrate this board!!! I'm convinced, you will never know what will crawl out of the Internet wilderness.
I haven't had time of late to post but here are a couple of brief thoughts:

I enjoy Norsemaiden's comments here. In my opinion arrogance might have a certain 'trolling' value when amongst willfully ignorant people, but when used as a dialogical facet regardless of context it’s not only tiresome, tedious and unpleasant but also a poor strategy for facilitating discussion.

I think this thread should be deleted. People of no consequence are mocking an internet forum designed for sharing ideas and learning. This thread does neither and only draws attention to the fact. Death to drama.
speed said:
Your perfectly welcome to keep posting here as long as stop harassing others, and offer some substantive points. And please, enough :cry: :cry: :cry:

Also, I add once again, if anyone has a problem with the moderation, please pm me, or post concerns on the moderation thread. This is a non-paying, and obviously not a very glorious position.

If my behavior on the forums is considered harrassing in nature. You are as guilty as I. . As far as your moderation, you are overzealous.
speed said:
I think its obvious he had a ulterior motive for his actions. And he essentially mocked the whole board over in his Milano post. It seemed as if he wanted a fight, or prove some point.

I take much of the blame for what happened. Instead of merely closing the thread right away, I attempted to make a point.

And my and other regulars reponses were quite human and natural. We're they philosophical? No. But when rudely insulted, people tend to give it back. And yes Justin S, there are a great many rude and insulting posts on this board, including our own. But we've been here awhile, generally do so in a friendly or satirical manner, and dont spend whole threads being asses.
I did not want a fight. Fights on the internet are pointless. The only point I was trying to make was pointing out your double-standards in regards to moderating the posts. For someone who accuses me of crying about this, you seem to be doing enough of your own. Again, the double standards. At least you are consistent.
Cythraul said:
Who gives a shit about those inbreeds over at the Billy Milano forum? I mean, these people post at a forum dedicated to BILLY MILANO for christ's sake.

These are the words chosen by one of the elite who post in "The Philosopher" ? Why on god's green earth is this condescending and crude little prick allowed to speak in this manner while I am singled out for it? Could it be because he is supporting our moderator's position? That was the point I was trying to make in the Machiavelli thread.
This is just my opinion, but to me, there's a huge difference between being defensive about your opinion and inquisiotioning a person because his/her opinions are different.

There was alot of mention in your big post of you being flamed for having a different opinion than other people, and I thought I'd just bring this up.

And I still don't know who Billy Milano is.
Ptah Khnemu said:
This is just my opinion, but to me, there's a huge difference between being defensive about your opinion and inquisiotioning a person because his/her opinions are different.

There was alot of mention in your big post of you being flamed for having a different opinion than other people, and I thought I'd just bring this up.

And I still don't know who Billy Milano is.

Ptah, I appreaciate your point of view and believe you may be on to something here. Thanks.
BTW, Billy Milano was/is the vocalist for S.O.D. and M.O.D. Members of Anthrax and Nuclear Assault were in S.O.D. with him. Speak English or Die is considered by some (including me) a classic and groundbreaking metal album.
Interestinly enough, speed, it seems like you ribbed fah-q for his lacking a sense of humour by tying him to the conservative party before he mentioned anything about a "typical liberal response."

All I saw when re-reading the Machiavelli thread was an overreaction to an outsider and a bunch of Philosopher regulars getting their panties in a bunch over very little. Even consuming_impulse met a better reception around here than this guy.
Justin S. said:
Haha, so true.

Nevertheless, Fah-Q has now erased any backing or interest he may have garnered...

Well, I appreciate the moment of subtle backing I did receive. Thanks. :headbang:
Are you done fah-q? I mean really. Im amazed at the fact you feel you can play the martyr, after the nonsense you've consistently posted. And this thread doesnt help your victimization at my and the philosophers board hands: Really, come on now. How naive do you think people are?

A thread was closed. Happens all the time. I think you've made your point. If you have anymore problems, please, post them on the moderation board.
speed said:
Are you done fah-q? I mean really. Im amazed at the fact you feel you can play the martyr, after the nonsense you've consistently posted. And this thread doesnt help your victimization at my and the philosophers board hands: Really, come on now. How naive do you think people are?

A thread was closed. Happens all the time. I think you've made your point. If you have anymore problems, please, post them on the moderation board.
Speed, over and over again, you miss my point but do not miss an opportunity to take one last jab. Nice work sir.
This blew out of proportion a few days ago. Now it's just a pissing contest. I'm gonna close it tomorrow, so anyone with a gripe about said intention of closing can say their lot.
derek said:
This blew out of proportion a few days ago. Now it's just a pissing contest. I'm gonna close it tomorrow, so anyone with a gripe about said intention of closing can say their lot.
Derek is right. I am even willing to agree that Speed is right, to an extent. Over the past couple of days, I have taken the time to read the socratic method and peruse old posts by some of the regulars here. This area intruiges me and I would like to continue coming here. I would like to bury the hatchet, just as long as it isn't buried in my head.
Speed, Soundmaster and anyone else who may have been offended by me. Consider this a formal, public apology. I look forward to reading/posting here in the future.
fah-q said:
Derek is right. I am even willing to agree that Speed is right, to an extent. Over the past couple of days, I have taken the time to read the socratic method and peruse old posts by some of the regulars here. This area intruiges me and I would like to continue coming here. I would like to bury the hatchet, just as long as it isn't buried in my head.
Speed, Soundmaster and anyone else who may have been offended by me. Consider this a formal, public apology. I look forward to reading/posting here in the future.

Then I apologize as well. As the old Swedenborg Mr. Blake stated, If a fool would persist in his folly, he would become wise. I personally feel a bit wiser after this all of this nonsense. If you dont mind, and dont feel as if Im somehow attacking you, I think its time to close this thread. Hopefully the pointless hostilities will end in the Milano forum as well.
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