Does the brand of TI Firewire matter?


Sep 12, 2006
I built my old computer (which has been upgraded since) and did not have a TI firewire port on it, the one it had did not work with my Profire. So, in a pinch I went to Radio Shack bought the only one I could find that was TI, it was cheap, but it worked....

Now I built a new comp, but it didn't have any FW ports, so I dumped in the PCI card, and comtinued on... but now I'm starting to question this.

Is there any technical advantages to different cards? Or is it "if it works, it works."? I run at like 2.7ms latency, which I assume is decent, but when I record a second guitar track, it's always off to the first. If I play my "finger" drums to create a drum track, I'm ALWAYS unable to follow the click track, I'm always falling behind it. In order to play to the click, I feel i'm playing way rushed. I have a pretty good sense of timing, and in my head I'm going "this cannot be right."