Onboard Firewire?


Jan 31, 2007
I have an Abit AG8 motherboard, and I've been using the onboard firewire, which uses the TI TSB43AB23 Firewire controller. Is this adequate, or would I get better performance from an add-in PCI card? I vaguely remember hearing that using the onboard firewire resulted in dropouts and other problems. But I'm not sure if this is true of all onboard firewire, or only if it's not the TI Firewire.

TI firewire chipset is the best available, I wouldn't worry about that...
One thing you could check and maybe fix is DPC latency (http://www.thesycon.de/deu/latency_check.shtml), grab a testing tool to see if there are any spikes. My mobo is Gigabyte P35-DS3P and the spikes were gone only with the latest beta BIOS, which my friend got from Gigabyte support. You could ask the same from Abit if that's the case.

I use Presonus Firepod and experience absolutely no dropouts, the same is with my friend who too owns a Firepod and is using an older s.478 Abit mobo (has a TI firewire chipset as well).