Does the voice sound too young?


Jul 24, 2010
Hey guys,

I mixed a new song of my band. And as the singer I'm always asking myself "Does my voice fit to the band's sound?"

So, what do you guys think about it?

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I can certainly understand you questioning yourself, singing is such a personal thing and singers often question their abilities.

It sounds perfectly fine to me, it's not a style of music I normally listen to, but to my ears your voice fits.
i can´t hear any Chester in there, but it´s totally fine. A trillion times more grown-up than Periphery

Pretty sure you could make it sound fuller, more chesty, "manly" within two weeks of practice. Not saying it´s necessary, but definitely helpful in case you want to have it in a verse part
I too can hear a the similarity between your's and Chester Bennington's voice, your vocals sound good honestly and compliment the music well. Like MrBongo said, with some practice you could probably make your voice sound more "open" (it sounds a bit "choked" there, like you're holding back your voice a bit), I'm not a singer so I don't know jackshit about singing but that's how it sounds to my ears. The mix sounds pretty good too :)!
The first verse sounds so so to me. Seems to lack some kind of soul if you get what i mean. Like you are singing to hit the notes rather than for performance. The rest sounds pretty fucking great!
I think it's a thing that we hear ourselves different (deeper) than what we actually sound like, cause of resonances in the body or something. Then hearing it back from a pair of speakers it's totally different (thinner) than what we´re used to. And then we compare the sound of the recording to what we´re hearing in our heads when singing and think it sounds thin or childlike. I know that's the case for me at least. You really don't have to worry about being more manly, in my opinion at least.