Does this guitar sound and orch.-samples fit together? (Engl FB, edirol, ewql, ezdr)


Jul 12, 2008
Hesse Germany
I tenacious try to achieve a guitar tone that work well togethter with orchestral stuff. Especially with samples from edirol orchestral, ewql, stormdrum... Just a short clip with an engl fb ts9 boosted, fx send and awesometime IR. ENGL 2.mp3

Updated version: ENGL 2-01.mp3

Third version with louder drums and the miced cab ENGL 2-02.mp3

And a none guitar clip if anyone is on to record a 20sec guitar track for practice (162/81 bpm) 3.wav
Thanks a lot dude i really appreciate your thoughts, cause i know your stuff as well. It sounds great especailly your combination of guitar and orchestral samples. Mmh would you give it a shot if i upload a none guitar track, only to see whats your approach? But i have no di tracks, only the preamp and miced track and no possibility to record some new di´s. Nevermind its just a thought, thanks.
I'd turn the guitars up just a bit. Sounds awesome for symphonic metal though. I hate it when you have a symphonic song and all the symphonic elements are drowned out by a couple of chugging guitars...
I mean... It's impossible to say anything about the guitar tone when I can barely hear it. If you post a clip where they're louder, I promise I will give my honest detailed opinon ;)

Guitar tone needs more mids and volume like others have said...sounded like low volume industrial to me. Love the orchestral stuff though!
Ok, first thanks for the many replies. I have uploaded a new version in the first post now with a different IR slight boost around 1K and even a slight 1/8 delay
to fit the guitar better in this reverberant stuff. I added only the guitar at the end the clip that you can analyse it. And about how i write it, nothing special mostly with the mouse direct in the midi editor and with a midi keyboard just hit record.
Ok, first thanks for the many replies. I have uploaded a new version in the first post now with a different IR slight boost around 1K and even a slight 1/8 delay
to fit the guitar better in this reverberant stuff. I added only the guitar at the end the clip that you can analyse it. And about how i write it, nothing special mostly with the mouse direct in the midi editor and with a midi keyboard just hit record.

Sounds a bit better imo, but its still too soft I think, and sounds thin.
Orchestra is brilliant!! The rest of the mix needs to catch up a bit...levels need to be raised, guitars and drums too low...when it comes to orchestra rock the orchestra is there but is still rock and the guitars need to be more of a focus point than where they are right now...all in all awesome song just make those drums. bass and guitars carry the song!
The guitars sound pretty thin and I can tell that they're not really played tight. Sorry man, but I don't like the tone very much. The orchestra sounds badass though!
Yes i know guitars must be recorded again, it was just a quick mess around with stock pickups. I´m lost, i never had success with guitars on those tracks:erk:.
I will upload a third version with louder drums and the miced cab. But it´s probably not better. I could also uplaod a none guitar clip, if anyone is interested and have time you maybe can fiddle around with it. I'd be really interested how you guys would handle it. I think i can leave it without decent picks. All clips will be found in the first post.
I did my attempt but I should warning you that this may suck hardballs:zombie:
I needed to equalize your track because there was much low end.
It´s almost impossible to get a good tone without equalize all strings individually. They are sucking all the frequencies, there is no space for the guitar.

As for the orchestral arrangement, I think it is brilliant and you got talent:worship:

Here is my try: 3.mp3
Holy fuck what´s that, fortunately i haven´t delete the files. Never thought someone would post here anymore. Man your tone slays. But now it seems exactly vice versa, orchastra to thin and guitars to fat. Great starting point and i love your riffing on the last part it would never have occurred to me. Fits really good. Sure it´s a matter of taste how loud or up front or whatever the guitars should be, but with a little work it could be superb. If you could upload your guitar tracks for practice you were my new hero. Otherwise cool inspiration. Thank you so much for making this clip. PS: what was your guitar chain, thanks.
Glad to hear that:) The problem is the balance between the strings and the guitar. It´s the main fucko_O but with work I think you can do it.
And it would be a shame to leave such a good ideia because of that. My chain is SoloC for boosting, Nick Crow 8505, the Impluses are s-preshigh and Mesa Trad 4x12 V30 SM57 05.

Here is the guitar part:

The guitar is in Drop C. If you will have problems to get the sound by hear, say something and I will write the tab for you. But I don`t think so, it´s easy stuff.
Let us know when you finnish the song. Love your epic orchestration :headbang: