Does USB 1.1 suck?


Mar 20, 2002
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I've been asking about the M-Audio Fast Track Pro a while ago in some thread and I've read in other threads on this forum that it's supposed to be good.
So finally I got round to actually go out and buy the box. When I wanted to do so the guy from the shop said he wouldn't recommend it for it was only USB 1.1. Said if I wanted to play a soft synth for example the latency would be noticeable.
Can anyone tell me anything about their experiences with USB-1.1-interfaces and latency?
Thanks in advance!
I'd go against it. I used to have a dedicated MIDI to USB interface, and even on USB 2.0 there was VERY noticeable lag.
I've had plenty of experience with the fast track pro and have never had any issues with latency (didn't even know it was USB 1.1). As long as your buffer isn't too big and you've got grunty enough hardware to run whatever plugins you're using then it should be fine.
Haha, also got PM. I dont actually use it, my sister does, but usb in general gives me the eeebie jeebies and 1.1 gives me cold sweats in the middle of the night. USB 3.0 is gonna rock when it really gets going though!
My verdict is actually quite favourable, I can work with 5 ms latency (goes down further with Asio4All) even though I'm used to the FF 800 in the studio.
I just got one of these and so far so good. I'm still running my midi through my delta card though.
Yeah, I figured I'd PM a few guys who have it in order to get a few more opinions on it. Thanks everybody for the replys so far! :)

What I'd be doing mainly is recording guitar DIs monitored through some modelling plugin in C5 and recording some MIDI via the MIDI-In (also monitored through the DAW with some Soft-Synth).

The guy in the shop I wanted to buy the Fast Track from recommended the TASCAM US-144MK2 instead. You guys think it would be a better choice?
I've never been a fan of tascam so I can't help you there. maybe someone here has tried one out..
Spec-wise, the Tascam seems like a viable alternative but I've heard about several people having severe drivers issues under Win 7, especially with Cubase.

I have no first hand experience though, but yeah Tascam is generally more towards the bottom end of the spectrum so you might sacrifice pre and converter quality for USB 2.0. Granted the FTP won't give high-end quality either but the pre's and conversion are solid.
Ah, damn it... Seems like there is always pros and cons to every solution...
Sucks being broke... Otherwise I'd just get an RME Babyface and be done with it... :erk: