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This is my pitbull Noodles. I got her from a rescue shelter that got her from a drug raid on the south side of Chicago. She is one kick ass dog. I also agree that adopting and rescue shelters are the way to go. Most of these dogs are very loyal and just want to be loved...i wouldnt go any other way.
Billy, did you have Buster neutered? Or what about the dude that owned Sid, did u have him done?
We have a 4 month old German Shepherd pup. Cute as hell but he gets his kicks from tearing the flesh off my hands, feet, arms with those bastard puppy needle teeth. Anyways, I am still debating with my family whether to have him neutered since we dont want to breed him. He has a great nature and my concern is that removing his balls will turn him into a placid, nutless pussy boy. Is this true??
Saucy_Jack said:
Billy, did you have Buster neutered? Or what about the dude that owned Sid, did u have him done?
We have a 4 month old German Shepherd pup. Cute as hell but he gets his kicks from tearing the flesh off my hands, feet, arms with those bastard puppy needle teeth. Anyways, I am still debating with my family whether to have him neutered since we dont want to breed him. He has a great nature and my concern is that removing his balls will turn him into a placid, nutless pussy boy. Is this true??

Unless you are going to enter him into dog shows.
Buster is intact.
After just watching an undercover investigation into an animal experimentation laboratory yesterday i was sickened to see the callous cruelty inflicted on some of the dogs.Aside from the experimentation(which is bad enough)a lot of the dog's suffered appalling abuse if they barked or moved about alot.Seeing grown men punching,throwing and kicking these animals sickened me to my stomach.
stuglue said:
After just watching an undercover investigation into an animal experimentation laboratory yesterday i was sickened to see the callous cruelty inflicted on some of the dogs.Aside from the experimentation(which is bad enough)a lot of the dog's suffered appalling abuse if they barked or moved about alot.Seeing grown men punching,throwing and kicking these animals sickened me to my stomach.

And imagine, Here in AMerica people protested killing a piece of shit murderer and these animals suffer. I say we should experiment on prisoners.

by the way, welcome to the board..Get some people to join we need a new group of people
Yeah good idea,let's put those criminals to use.If they had nothing to contribute to society let's make them contribute to medical science.Let's see how they react to sore,enflamed skin,to having red sore eyes(or in the case of kittens having an eye sewn shut to see how long it takes for them to go blind).I sound like some liberal lefty but we need,as much as i hate to say it forms of experimentation,afterall we would'nt have things like insulin etc that save lives BUT when it's to test ANOTHER new painkiller or worse,chocolate flavoured tobacco!surely they are going way too far.
Our attitude to dog's and cat's in western europe is different to parts of Asia yet in a way we condone their actions(whether ignorantly or we simple choose to pretend it does'nt happen).In China dog's and cat's are used for their skins,they are cgaed in very cramp conditions,killed,skinned and used to make rugs.Seeing a rug made from 4 golden labaradors is inhuman.Do you know who the target market is,yep,America and Europe.So please think twice before lining these people's pocket's,you are perpetuating the misery.
Hearing that shit fills me with murderous rage. One of the worst things I ever heard was from my brother. In Australia we go pig-hunting. You take out big motherfuckin dogs like Bull Mastiffs or Ridgebacks and you sick them on the big boars. They latch on and bring the pig down, and you come up and knife it, trying not to get ripped open by the tusks. The dogs wear leather vests though so they are rarely hurt and they love it.
Anyway, my brother went with one of his friends and a bunch of dudes he didn't know. And he came back early because he said these guys were going to town on the dogs, punching them in the head, kicking them in the ribs as hard as they could. He said the dogs would come bounding up to their owner looking all happy and then the toothless fucking inbreds would slug them in the head for no reason. My bro asked them what the fuck they were doing and they said something like "oh you have to treat them like shit or they are not good for hunting". The next guy that hit his dog my brother punched out, got in this car and drove the 6 hours home.
A dog will be your best mate until his dying breath, and hurting your best mate is the lowest act on the planet as far as I'm concerned.
SMP840 said:


This is my pitbull Noodles. I got her from a rescue shelter that got her from a drug raid on the south side of Chicago. She is one kick ass dog. I also agree that adopting and rescue shelters are the way to go. Most of these dogs are very loyal and just want to be loved...i wouldnt go any other way.

Fixed it for ya
Dogs rule! Cool dog vap

Off topic a bit, but I almost adopted an Irish Wolf Hound puppy. Then I did some research and I wasn't so sure about having a dog that can reach up to 7 feet when standing up:lol: . So I opted to adopt a pug and a puggle instead. Much smaller

When I get a bigger house I probably will get one.
Why havent I discovered this place before?
Greetings from Finland, I own four Presa Canario dogs and one American Bulldog.
AND I am into hard core, edge, gymblahblahblahblah....

anyway, nice dogs you people have.

Edit. Pics





Ugly Pena said:
Why havent I discovered this place before?
Greetings from Finland, I own four Presa Canario dogs and one American Bulldog.
AND I am into hard core, edge, gymblahblahblahblah....

anyway, nice dogs you people have.

Edit. Pics






Tell your friends. Awesome dogs
Lucius a geman shepherd pup. He is smart and has a lot of personality. Nothing frightens him, he loves people, playing with other dogs and the beach. He has brought us a lot of joy and happiness. Dogs fucken rule.



Good German sheperd, steady and healthy is valuable.
It is amazing to train it; it´s a good dog in general.

It´s so good that people here notice the rescue services.
´guess at least in the States the traditional working breeds, Pits, Ambulls etc.
suffer from abandoment ( hope I spelled it correctly).

In Finland one of the one-year dogs is Neapolitan Mastiff. People see a couch-potato, a damn "Beethoven", and around one year of age, the dog is good to go. Reason is the unexpected temperament.

Too fucking bad.
Still, you can actually make good dog outta rescue specimen;
Bulldogs and Mastiffs may recover fast in capable hands, hell, I´ve seen protection dogs made out of these outcasts.

My respect goes to all you dog people with heart!
I have a Golden retriever/poodle mix. He's still a pup, he's only 8 months and he's only 60 LBS. We drove out to wisconsin to get him a half year ago. I dug up the most recent of him. He's on the parents bed. Ah although he's not allowed I let the little son of bitch. Ugh like my past dogs I fell in love with the thing.

stuglue said:
After just watching an undercover investigation into an animal experimentation laboratory yesterday i was sickened to see the callous cruelty inflicted on some of the dogs.Aside from the experimentation(which is bad enough)a lot of the dog's suffered appalling abuse if they barked or moved about alot.Seeing grown men punching,throwing and kicking these animals sickened me to my stomach.

Yes sir, tall trees and short ropes are they are worth.
I have no respect for anyone who abuses a helpless animal or hell even one that can protect it's self. I own a few dogs myself and would put a fool in the ground for even attempting to abuse one. My dogs have treated me far better then most friends and been more loyal then them all.
You guys know that having sex with animals if forbidden in the bible, right? I mean, your really putting the future of your immortal soul in danger here.