DOH! Possibility for PP

Since I was the 1st one to bring up Divinefire here lately :rock: I just stumbled across an amazing sounding band that would fit into the PP atmosphere here.


Liv Kristine from Theatre of Tragedy on vocals.

I saw this album in Best Buy and figured I'd check it out online before doing a blind buy. Had I known she was the singer I'da picked it up on the spot. I always thought her voice was great.

Here's a link to their page w/ clips of every song from every release
whoa, Creeps! thanks for the link! Someone asked me about this group a few weeks ago, but I forgot to go follow up on them. *listening to samples now* Me Likey! :Spin:

I like Leave's Eyes... the new album "vinland saga" it's very nice...very relax and well done music.... i will see them next saturday sept. 10th here in Monterrey, i hope will be a good show... i hope to put in my space some pics of the show next sunday :rock: