
Yeh I've only ever heard their last, or was it last but one album? called 'Last Days Of Utopia' and loved it to bits. However, when I read the reviews it said this was so totally different to what they usually did it put me off checking out their older stuff so no idea what that's like.

Other than that I remember a couple of songs from their days as Kingdom in the 80's but that's it. Worth giving LDOU a listen though, very rock opera, epic kinda stuff.

Little Linda (2) said:
Anyone heard any of the new Domain stuff? I know it's not out officially till next month but know that some of you folks get pre-release copies?

The only snippet I've found so far is here ...

Sounds canny to me :kickass:


Hot dayum! They are kickass! It's got the background chorus work of Hammerfall, the catchyness of Dionysus and some very cool 1980s Boston-style keyboard work! Very good stuff, I wana hear lots more of this...great find Linda! :headbang: