Bands not mentioned here

martyrs_price said:
Yeah just because something is obscure doesn't mean it sucks. And "obscure" is a very questionable term to begin with. To the majority of the world Opeth is obscure. Does that mean they are not worthy??

Yea, I talked about the quality of music that obscure music and said it sucked. Yes, that is exactly what I said. Re-read the post dumbass :Smug:

I just hate that all band's music isnt relatively available. To be in a band, you really have to advertise yourself. Most of the bands people listen to have advertised themselves and put their name out on the market. Its called promotion. These rare and obscure bands that have 5 cds, sound top notch, and have like 5 fans arent good bands. they write good music, but part of being in a band is promoting your artwork. To say that a band doesnt care about publicity of any kind is bullshit. To say they dont want to be a rockstar idol, I believe that, but bands want to be rocognized. And you have to market yourself and your band. Why is Opeth so big? (bigger in terms of the metal scene). Because they have promoted their music. The lack of promotion gives excellent musicians no chance of being in a good band. A good band is one that can book a gig and have a bunch of people attend it. They are just people who dont know what the real world is all about. These bands arent popular among the metal scene for a reason. And this reason has nothing to do with their talent, songwriting, or anything to do with the music. Hell, Mike Patton can sell cds of himself farting and making wierd noises. So can Devin Townsend. This is called marketting.
and yet, i still see no connection between marketing and quality songwriting (the only measure of a"good band")
Graveworm is crap!

This is the hot shit:
Horned Almighty

'A Black Metal band playing Mötörhead with their asses on fire'

Their 2nd full length is out in the beginning of april...
I like this thread, we could make more recommandation, I would add few mine:
Dominion III - Death Heart In A Dead World - best industrial metal that I´ve ever heard
Diablerie - Seraphyde, Red Harvest - Internal Punishment Programs/Sick Transit Gloria Mundi - great industrial metal
The Project Hate MCMXCIX - Hate, Dominate, Congregate, Eliminate/Armageddon March Eternal - best induatrial death metal tha I´ve ever heard
Team Sleep - Absolutely great Alternative rock with Chino Mored (Deftones) like singer
Plasma Pool, In Slaughter Natives, Puissance, Lustmord - Industrial ambient
Saul Williams - Saul Williams - wery good and unusual Hip-Hop
Scarve - Irradiant/Shade Empire - Sinthetic - high quality symphonic black metal
John Lowery - Vertigo - solo project of this guitar master
LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem - post punk/dance punk, give this album a chance
EternalMetal said:
Yea, I talked about the quality of music that obscure music and said it sucked. Yes, that is exactly what I said. Re-read the post dumbass :Smug:

I just hate that all band's music isnt relatively available. To be in a band, you really have to advertise yourself. Most of the bands people listen to have advertised themselves and put their name out on the market. Its called promotion. These rare and obscure bands that have 5 cds, sound top notch, and have like 5 fans arent good bands. they write good music, but part of being in a band is promoting your artwork. To say that a band doesnt care about publicity of any kind is bullshit. To say they dont want to be a rockstar idol, I believe that, but bands want to be rocognized. And you have to market yourself and your band. Why is Opeth so big? (bigger in terms of the metal scene). Because they have promoted their music. The lack of promotion gives excellent musicians no chance of being in a good band. A good band is one that can book a gig and have a bunch of people attend it. They are just people who dont know what the real world is all about. These bands arent popular among the metal scene for a reason. And this reason has nothing to do with their talent, songwriting, or anything to do with the music. Hell, Mike Patton can sell cds of himself farting and making wierd noises. So can Devin Townsend. This is called marketting.

So basically what you're saying is that you don't love the music bands make, you love thier marketing schemes. Oh, and being able to book a gig and have a bunch of people attend it has nothing to do with whether or not the music is good at all... Thats absolutely absurd. If you say that, then you are saying any nu-metal band, or pop star, or mainstream gangsta rapper who can book a gig is good, which we all know is a bunch of bullshit.
EternalMetal said:
Yea, I talked about the quality of music that obscure music and said it sucked. Yes, that is exactly what I said. Re-read the post dumbass :Smug:

I just hate that all band's music isnt relatively available. To be in a band, you really have to advertise yourself. Most of the bands people listen to have advertised themselves and put their name out on the market. Its called promotion. These rare and obscure bands that have 5 cds, sound top notch, and have like 5 fans arent good bands. they write good music, but part of being in a band is promoting your artwork. To say that a band doesnt care about publicity of any kind is bullshit. To say they dont want to be a rockstar idol, I believe that, but bands want to be rocognized. And you have to market yourself and your band. Why is Opeth so big? (bigger in terms of the metal scene). Because they have promoted their music. The lack of promotion gives excellent musicians no chance of being in a good band. A good band is one that can book a gig and have a bunch of people attend it. They are just people who dont know what the real world is all about. These bands arent popular among the metal scene for a reason. And this reason has nothing to do with their talent, songwriting, or anything to do with the music. Hell, Mike Patton can sell cds of himself farting and making wierd noises. So can Devin Townsend. This is called marketting.

I think Opeth are becoming big because they write great music, nothing to do with promotion at all. I have never seen any form of advertising for Opeth. Most people get into new music from word of mouth and being recomended them.

To say that a band isn't "good" because they havn't made a name for themselves is the most ridiculous statment i have heard in a long time, and ive heard some pretty stupid shit before.

People listen to a band because they like their music, that is a fact. Has nothing to do with promotion. Only stupid mainstream fags who listen to the latest trend care whether the band is big and if heaps of other people listen to them and they are all over the radio and tv.

I think you have set yourself up for some seriose criticism with your stament...
EternalMetal said:
Yea, I talked about the quality of music that obscure music and said it sucked. Yes, that is exactly what I said. Re-read the post dumbass :Smug:

I just hate that all band's music isnt relatively available. To be in a band, you really have to advertise yourself. Most of the bands people listen to have advertised themselves and put their name out on the market. Its called promotion. These rare and obscure bands that have 5 cds, sound top notch, and have like 5 fans arent good bands. they write good music, but part of being in a band is promoting your artwork. To say that a band doesnt care about publicity of any kind is bullshit. To say they dont want to be a rockstar idol, I believe that, but bands want to be rocognized. And you have to market yourself and your band. Why is Opeth so big? (bigger in terms of the metal scene). Because they have promoted their music. The lack of promotion gives excellent musicians no chance of being in a good band. A good band is one that can book a gig and have a bunch of people attend it. They are just people who dont know what the real world is all about. These bands arent popular among the metal scene for a reason. And this reason has nothing to do with their talent, songwriting, or anything to do with the music. Hell, Mike Patton can sell cds of himself farting and making wierd noises. So can Devin Townsend. This is called marketting.

In fact I have read both of your posts again and I see that your only measure of a good band is whether or not they promote themselves well. :err: Are you serious??? Dumbass.:Spin:
But ANYWAYS, back to the thread. I've looked around on the internet but I can't seem to find a place that has a decent amount of these albums mentioned. Amazon seemed to be lacking. Does anyone know where I could find these online???
EternalMetal said:
Yea, I talked about the quality of music that obscure music and said it sucked. Yes, that is exactly what I said. Re-read the post dumbass :Smug:

I just hate that all band's music isnt relatively available. To be in a band, you really have to advertise yourself. Most of the bands people listen to have advertised themselves and put their name out on the market. Its called promotion. These rare and obscure bands that have 5 cds, sound top notch, and have like 5 fans arent good bands. they write good music, but part of being in a band is promoting your artwork. To say that a band doesnt care about publicity of any kind is bullshit. To say they dont want to be a rockstar idol, I believe that, but bands want to be rocognized. And you have to market yourself and your band. Why is Opeth so big? (bigger in terms of the metal scene). Because they have promoted their music. The lack of promotion gives excellent musicians no chance of being in a good band. A good band is one that can book a gig and have a bunch of people attend it. They are just people who dont know what the real world is all about. These bands arent popular among the metal scene for a reason. And this reason has nothing to do with their talent, songwriting, or anything to do with the music. Hell, Mike Patton can sell cds of himself farting and making wierd noises. So can Devin Townsend. This is called marketting.

I reckon this could be one of the top 3 most stupid posts I've ever seen..
EternalMetal said:
Yea, I talked about the quality of music that obscure music and said it sucked. Yes, that is exactly what I said. Re-read the post dumbass :Smug:

I just hate that all band's music isnt relatively available. To be in a band, you really have to advertise yourself. Most of the bands people listen to have advertised themselves and put their name out on the market. Its called promotion. These rare and obscure bands that have 5 cds, sound top notch, and have like 5 fans arent good bands. they write good music, but part of being in a band is promoting your artwork. To say that a band doesnt care about publicity of any kind is bullshit. To say they dont want to be a rockstar idol, I believe that, but bands want to be rocognized. And you have to market yourself and your band. Why is Opeth so big? (bigger in terms of the metal scene). Because they have promoted their music. The lack of promotion gives excellent musicians no chance of being in a good band. A good band is one that can book a gig and have a bunch of people attend it. They are just people who dont know what the real world is all about. These bands arent popular among the metal scene for a reason. And this reason has nothing to do with their talent, songwriting, or anything to do with the music. Hell, Mike Patton can sell cds of himself farting and making wierd noises. So can Devin Townsend. This is called marketting.

wtf? You are an idiot. Did you even read what you wrote?
martyrs_price said:
But ANYWAYS, back to the thread. I've looked around on the internet but I can't seem to find a place that has a decent amount of these albums mentioned. Amazon seemed to be lacking. Does anyone know where I could find these online???

Go to the band/artists web sites.
They usually have a song or 2 to download and you can usually purchase albums through the band/artists site.

Or check out a file sharing program. I've gotten into many many many bands using this. But remember to buy the album if you end up loving it ;)
Wyrd1 said:
Of the bands mentioned I have heard Graveworm, Turisas, Septic Flesh and Windir. Of these Windir stands head and shoulders above the rest. Likferd from 2003 was one of my top albums of the year. Shame they split up after the death of Valfar, however I have seen reports that the other members of the band have formed another band.

the ex-windir members are in the band "vreid"
and there 1st album kicks major ass ,a 2nd one is coming out soon
Thanks guys for the more informative posts. Any more or related recomendations would be great. I'll definently have to check out vreid.
Keith! said:
Go to the band/artists web sites.
They usually have a song or 2 to download and you can usually purchase albums through the band/artists site.

Or check out a file sharing program. I've gotten into many many many bands using this. But remember to buy the album if you end up loving it ;)

Thanks man, I appreciate it!!
god dethroned said:
the ex-windir members are in the band "vreid"
and there 1st album kicks major ass ,a 2nd one is coming out soon

Thanks for that. Will have to check them out at some point.