Bands like opeth - ignore if ur tired of these


Aug 8, 2001
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I know theres been posts like this but ive always ignored them becuause all i wanted was opeth, but what other bands are similer too it, only one i can find is soul forlorn, fuckin a. I have 3 of katatonias cd's and they dont sound anything like opeth but they are good. so any thoughts?
Voivod seems to have some similarities
Primordial (somewhat, moreso than vintersorg for sure!)

I'd give more that aren't listed, but my mind is in a state of decay due to this ungodly hour.......
Originally posted by Hearse
I have gathered some Opeth/Dark Tranquillity style music on my mp3 station in here better check them out, you can found decadawn from there... and many others great bands like Farmakon, Athela, Serberus... etc

I higly recommend Farmakon, ther music is amazing!

Thanks Hearse! :eek:)
I quickly gave up even attempting to find bands like Opeth, because I know none exist. IMO, they are unique - I listen to their music, and it's just on another level. Sure, you can pull their music apart into a million pieces, and then compare each piece with another band, but at the song level, I find it impossible to do with Opeth.

Maybe in the broadest of spectrums, you could categorize them with others, but I think they would still distance themselves from others. Uniqueness is a quality very few bands have, and Opeth is one of them.

At this particular moment, I am struggling with naming other unique bands.
This is all retreading old ground, but still :

metal-selections :


non-metal :

Anekdoten (highest recommendations)
Anglagard (but check them out before buying)

D Mullholand
NP: Peter Hammill - The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage