Dong Open Air

I saw the tickets are on presale now and prices are set :)
But I'm wondering: when a bottle of cold beer costs 1 EUR - what does a bottle of warm beer cost? :grin:
Colamann said:
Last year we received a special, limited supply of 3000l of warm beer. But we don't think that we can provide any more this year because we changed our beer retailer ;)
Now that's a little bit disappointing. I guess you're to blame because you're Colamann and not Biermann :p
That's so true, haha.
I head Asterius canclled and are replaced by Dark Suns? Don't really know neither of the two, so it doesn't matter much to me :rolleyes:

Andreas or Mattias....when are you guys arriving? Saturday I guess..?
Oh they know about all the problems.
First, Skellefteå seems to be an international airport, you just can't fly to Germany from there or something like that. So they'll have to take a flight to Stockholm, first. Next problem, their flight arrives at Stockholm 2 hours after the last plane goes off to Germany, so they'll have to stay there over night. Next thing is, Ryanair (we're not actually rich ;)) doesn't want to ensure the safe transport of instruments, so we had to book a seperate insurance in a hurry. Or book SEATS for the instruments (and Ryanair stressed the fact that each guitar definitely needs its own seat, no way to put 2 on one seat... *idiots*). grrrrr

I don't know if it's really that way, but the guy from our team who does the contact with Vintersorg said the guys are really pissed of about us... Which I can understand, but it's not really our fault. :(
You have to pick them up in Hahn (and get them back there, too) then??? GEXX is flying Stockholm-Arlanda - D'dorf and they are pretty low budget, too. Best and most convenient low budget carrier I flew with so far.

I actually thought you had trouble with the transportation from the (D'dorf) airport to the festival....I was about to offer help as I live only 20 min away from the airport. But since that's not the problem, I'm out of this ;)