Don't artists paint on leather jackets anymore?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Back in the 80's, this was a big deal. You could go to Carnaby Street market and look at all the fantastic artwork on the back of biker leather jackets, usually hanging on the wall.

Most of the art was copied from album covers, e.g. Sepultura's "Arise", Megadeth's "Peace Sells" etc.

Does anyone see this kind of stuff or has it become a lost artform?
It's still done.






Joel Grind has In The Sign Of Evil on his, but I can't find a picture of it.
I used to do these for beer money
started by painting peoples schoolbags
wish I had photos of some of them, the best I think I did were manowars hail to england in oil paint, the original looked like felt tip..
and I did the cover of the evil dead video on one, that looked fucking cool

you can't really charge enough to cover the hours though
not for a really top notch job, but some people do it as a hobby
Joel Grind has In The Sign Of Evil on his, but I can't find a picture of it.

It's on his myspace in his "Influences" section, but it's not loading up right now.

I thought about having this done but when I asked a friend who paints and stuff he said it would probably come off pretty easily. Looks amazing though.
I'll have someone paint the actual artwork off DMDS but not the logo on mine some day. It shall rule and be very heterosexual despite being purple.
I used to do these for beer money
started by painting peoples schoolbags
wish I had photos of some of them, the best I think I did were manowars hail to england in oil paint, the original looked like felt tip..
and I did the cover of the evil dead video on one, that looked fucking cool

you can't really charge enough to cover the hours though
not for a really top notch job, but some people do it as a hobby
Spotted that interview with you in Davthvs Appendix, fukking killer shit mate. Do you know anything about the fellow who makes the zine?
:lol: Seriously? That's kind of dumb. He seemed really proud of that jacket.
I guess. I think he just needed the money. I havn't seen him in a while, hes always with his girlfriend.
I don't know how the fuck he survives anyway. He's always on tour.
He lives on the road practically, from what I understand, just crashing with bands/fans a lot.