Don't artists paint on leather jackets anymore?

:lol: He doesn't seem like the type to have a girlfriend.

Edit: He's moved like three times in the past year, so it doesn't seem he has a very steady home, even if he is currently living by you, Tully.
:lol: He doesn't seem like the type to have a girlfriend.

Edit: He's moved like three times in the past year, so it doesn't seem he has a very steady home, even if he is currently living by you, Tully.

Yea. I guess, seems pretty much like all the other thrashers around here. Not that that's bad.
I think a lot of bands do that.

When I asked how he survived, I meant more like how does he make money? He's on tour so much he barely has time to hold a steady job, and I doubt he makes much from his tours. He plays small (albeit, packed) shows.
Who are the other live musicians for TH tours? I know when he comes down under he's got a bunch of local guys who play. Does he do this on every continent?
looks like he's coming down there in march....damn there are no good shows coming to portland this entire semester, i'm not paying $25 to see lamb of god again
Joel Grind has In The Sign Of Evil on his, but I can't find a picture of it.

Décadent;5761453 said:
Who are the other live musicians for TH tours? I know when he comes down under he's got a bunch of local guys who play. Does he do this on every continent?
Yeah, pretty much. When I saw him, it was just him and some random drummer.