don't bash the french, at least they're doing some good for mankind

first, i totaly agree with you in the first part, i was talking about the terrorist attack in USA, and what led to the WTC attack

i never said that pagan religion was any better, if you had read a thread made a while ago i said "i don't care about those fucking religions, it only piss me off that the christianism say that is the "correct" religion to follow...

i don't want to convert the whole world into pagan, what i want is that people realize that how christianism (in some level) was fucked up for the world

and i'm frustade of all ;) and don't think you know everything about me jesus boy

Man, christianism is not the only religion who claims to be the "correct" religion to follow, most of the religions do that. And yes, by saying christianism sucks and that we should destroy it, you mean that pagan religions are better. I'm pretty sure that any other religion with so much power would have done the same than christianity. As I said in my previous post, it's all a matter of power and money.

Now tell me, do you really think that christians in the beginning of their existance forced everyone to become christian? The answer is no, it was considered as a pagan religion by the Romans but the little groups of christians became powerful. Why? Problably cuz alot of people joined them without being forced. In this case it's not only the christians that we should blame, but all the pagans from everywhere who became christians too. You'll say that christianity became violent and corrupted with time, it's true, but we have a saying here "Le pouvoir corrompt", it means that power corrupts people. If another religion started to get more and more power, like the christians in the beginning, they would get corrupted too, it's in the human nature lol.

You think pagan religions are better than christianism, but it's the same thing christians think of other religions. All you say is so contradictive man.
once again i agree.
"If you take a revolucionary, and put him in the power, in one year he will be worse than the Czar itself" - Bakunin

once again :erk: i don't think they are better NO ONE BETTER, i just want to have my own belives in my place, i would respect Christianism much more, if they stayed there, where they were born, like i have a huge respect for the Hindu

i'll shhhh now :erk:
3 pages :lol: I was gonna reply stating my opinion....But I really can't be arsed xD