don't forget 9.00pm tonight

so how was it?

It wasn't as bad as everyone feared, but their were some cringe worthy moments. Most notably the air guitar stunt at the Sheffield Wednesday game.

The whole programme was edited to make Saxon look like some poor 1980's heavy metal band that just performs to one man and a dog. Which as we all know, is a load of b******s! And Harvey Goldsmith came and saved the day, which we all know is a load of b******s! Thomas Jenson was made to look very bad on the programme, they basically made him look like a useless idiot. Which was bang out of order.

But Biff was in fine form, and came out with some good lines. The after show debate was just a complete waste of time.

All in all, Saxon didn't come out of it too bad. But it wouldn't have done anything for them either really. So pretty much a waste of time!