Don't Forget Last Call....

I know the acoustic is a trip but its Thrax. I hope to some of the people we rant with we see in the audience. and StephBKNY - your Sig cracks me up!! :D
DarbysDad said:
I know the acoustic is a trip but its Thrax. I hope to some of the people we rant with we see in the audience. and StephBKNY - your Sig cracks me up!! :D

You have no idea how good the accoustic was! Trust me. We all walked out going "Fu(k, we just saw something incredible that no one else has seen yet!"

Don't put it down yet, watch it and see for yourself! It really kicked a$$!!

Oh, and about my sig, I'm glad I can give you a laugh!
Thanks for the remind Steph. I kinda dig the acoustic stuff, change is good! Oh, BTW, sig had me LOLing :p
Nothing like seeing Anthrax kick ass live, meet every single one of them including my favorite drummer on the planet, Charlie and my favorite singer on the planet, John Bush, and then get home at 1:30 and get to watch them do a fantastic acoustic version of Safehome on TV.

Damn good night I had...................
Normally I hate to say "I told you so," but not this time!

I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! I said just watch it and see for yoruselves, it was awesome! And standing there, a few feet away from them, hearing that in a tiny studio, OMG, so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Definately in the top 2 out of all of the performances I saw, of any band! I've never been to an Anthrax show :( so that was the first time I saw them do anything live. Fucking awesome.
Here in Columbia, we get Hollywood squares and then reruns of Leno and Conan, all after Conan. So, if anyone has that performance, would you mind sharing?