Don't Forget Last Call....

Metal Maiden said:
It's not that I didn't think it would be good. It great for us, who already love them. But I don't think anyone is going to run out today and get WCFYA or be suddenly interested in going to see them in concert based on that. They had a great chance and I think it could have been better.
One dude e-mailed the site saying "What song did you guys play on 'Last Call'? You have a NEW fan!"
So, it might have made at least one more album sale.
Another guy e-mailed saying how Anthrax sold out for being on Carson Daly.
I just deleted that one.
ThraxDude said:
One dude e-mailed the site saying "What song did you guys play on 'Last Call'? You have a NEW fan!"
So, it might have made at least one more album sale.
Another guy e-mailed saying how Anthrax sold out for being on Carson Daly.
I just deleted that one.
You mean they didn't already "sell out" when they:
signed with Island Records.
signed with Elektra Records.
signed with a subsidiary of Tommy Boy Records.
did the MTV Headbanger's Ball tour in 1989.
did the Trail of White Noise Tour in 1993 with MTV.
recorded and toured with Public Enemy.
recorded a slow song with Angelo Bandalamanti (sp?).
did a music video with David Lynch.
recorded a Metallica cover.
sent promo CDs to the media.
made a website.
recorded a demo and 7" single.
signed with Megaforce Records.
wore Adidas.
wore shorts.

BUT NOW THEY HAVE SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!! fags
I think the accoustic version would turn more heads. Metal heads already know who they are. it's the alternitave fans that i think would have noticed it last night.
but i'm pissed. For some reason some fucking evil goddamn reason springer comes on out here instead of carson. jeesus i hate houston. I realy wanted to see it too. I fucking hate springer now. not that i ever loved it but now i have a personal vendetta agianst spring fucking er.
if any one got it recorded fucking web it i would love to see it. I'm glad it was badass though
I taped it but my 2nd vcr isn't working so would be hard to make copies.

I agree with metal maiden. The point of getting on tv isn't to please us the hardcore fans. it is to try to gain new ones. I don't think that will happen by playing a special acoustic version of safe home. I wish they would have tore the place down with what doesn't die to show they can still rock. I think they wasted a perfect opportunity. After everyone telling them they should get on a tv show and management not hooking them up till now, I just think like the NY yankees they blew a perfect opportunity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed their performance but the tons of people I contacted all over the web who might not have the cd won't be blown away by it.
Jono said:
I think the accoustic version would turn more heads. Metal heads already know who they are. it's the alternitave fans that i think would have noticed it last night.

Yes some metal heads know who they are. But They haven't bothered to listen to them because they were pissed that Joey left and have never found out that John kicks his ass. Or they didn't know that they are still around and are still making great music. I wouldn't be sold by an acoustic performance, maybe if it was a whole set, but this was one song.

nythraxfan~You suck. :Smug:

j/k :lol:
I have a server but it depends on the filesize! Let me know and I'll host that mutha! I actually had to be at work at 5 AM, and was way too tired, so I planned on missing it. But coincidentally, I woke up in the middle of hte night at I stayed up, watched it, and went back to sleep! Badass. Didn't record it though so I'd love to hear it again.
I liked the acoustic version of that song. But my view on their song selection is this. First off, it could have been NBC who chose this song and didn't give them any other option. Also, this show comes on weeknights only at 2:30 in the morning. Who do you think watches tv at that time slot?? It's working class people just getting off work. It's college kids who just got stoned. It's drunks. It's probably an age group between 19 and 40. Everyone has heard the name of Anthrax. When I told people at work that I was going to NYC to see Anthrax, everyone had heard of the name. But everyone assumed they're a cookie monster singing no writing skills no talent band. So, their playing of Safe Home Acoustic could have just been to prove to everyone who might have been watching at that hour that their music has melody and that they write great songs.

Uranium, Headbanger's ball and all of that. That's where they should play their all out rocking heavy shit. Those shows target kids who are just looking to see who has their shit together and who doesn't. Looking for a new band to discover. Or in Anthrax's case, re-discover.