Don't laugh. Katy Perry in F

Jul 29, 2011
So this is the first time I've ever mixed vocals into one of my tracks. I know, It's Katy Perry but the song is so damn catchy. :cry: Any help on vocal levels, guitar and bass tone/levels and arrangement would be great!

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Well done.
I enjoyed it.
At some points you might want to raise the vocals a bit but other than that, i think it fits quite well in the mix.
Cool shit! I think the mix can be glued better as the vocals is kind of cutting through a little for me. I will bring up the instruments slightly as well and for 0:14 bar I would the vocal delay goes on and then a intro riff or something. Well personal preference. How did you get the vocal tracks btw?
Cool shit! I think the mix can be glued better as the vocals is kind of cutting through a little for me. I will bring up the instruments slightly as well and for 0:14 bar I would the vocal delay goes on and then a intro riff or something. Well personal preference. How did you get the vocal tracks btw?

yea the vocals are roduced so well that they stick out a lotttttt. add some meat to those guitars, boost up that low end baby!
Thanks for all comments guys. Here's an updated version with an 8k cut on the vox. Boosted the bass and low end on the bass. Added a little 2k to the guitars to help them cut a little better.

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Literally, one of the best Covers I have ever heard in my life. Because 99% of people try and track vocals with someone too, not snagging the original and slapping it on there. Blew me away. Bravo sir, bravo
Literally, one of the best Covers I have ever heard in my life. Because 99% of people try and track vocals with someone too, not snagging the original and slapping it on there. Blew me away. Bravo sir, bravo

Wow. Thank you for your kind words sir. I'm currently trying to think of which one I wanna do next. Avril Lavigne's Complicated has come up as well as a couple of Lady Gaga tracks. Only works if the songs have a really good melody behind them. That's why E.T. worked so well, the actual music melody is really good. Anyways. Thank you so much again for your kind words. :headbang:
is the Sansamp PSA-1 plugin exclusive to protools 8 or can i get it on cubase?

and what bass/pickups on the bass. im sorry but i love this tone haha
I really enjoyed this one. I still thing the original can't be improved on... but this is seriously sick. For a cover, this was perfectly executed - but please, get rid of Kayne, it just sounds out of place with the rest of the song ;)
is the Sansamp PSA-1 plugin exclusive to protools 8 or can i get it on cubase?

and what bass/pickups on the bass. im sorry but i love this tone haha

YEah the PSA-1. I'm not sure if you can get it for cubase or not but you know they make a pedal right? That's the best way to go. Pickups are stock. The bass is a cheap bass but the PSA-1 is so good that you can make anything sound good. I'd recommend just buying the pedal.