Don't laugh. Katy Perry in F

I really enjoyed this one. I still thing the original can't be improved on... but this is seriously sick. For a cover, this was perfectly executed - but please, get rid of Kayne, it just sounds out of place with the rest of the song ;)

Thank you sir. The whole Kanye thing, I was going for the out of place thing and that's why I spliced in him saying "You are not invited". I'll think about cutting it out ;). Thanks for listening and your kind comment.
yeah i have the sansamp BDDI stomp box i use live. i just dont understand how to get it so boingy like you have in your recording.. i can get that tone live easy.
I actually dig this, but I am digging some of her songs, too :D and if I don't want to hear her stuff, I just mute it and watch the video...

Haha. I've always looked at music like this. Music is too big to just enjoy parts of it. If you like a song or artist then it don't matter how trendy, top 20 or lame it actually is. Haha. The whole point is to enjoy it. Unfortunately a lot of people miss out on good music in general because they can't see past that, or don't want to. I used to rock out that song "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne. Hahaha. Shit was catchy as hell what can I say. :Spin:

Anyways. Thanks for taking the time to check out my track and comment on it.