Don't let KWTF die!!!!


Aug 4, 2002
New Jersey
This is from the promotions manager at the station I DJ at. Please read it; it's very important.

Over the last several months, there have been several people doing their best to destroy the radio station I work for. They have been spreading malicious lies that has greatly impacted the support KWTF receives. The radio station is a donation based station so relies on donations to keep operating. If donations are not received the bills can not be paid. Thanks to these individuals that live to cause drama the station has not received a single donation in over 2 weeks. Not only does this impact the stream being paid for but the travel costs to get to shows that we are scheduled to broadcast live (audio and video). A few of our staff members have been pitching in and donating to keep the station alive but if the only people donating are staff members and listening, it shows that no one really gives a fuck if the station is there or not. KWTF has long supported the metal community, especially independent and unsigned bands-independent labels. Many bands would not have been heard on the airwaves if it weren't for KWTF. it is YOUR turn to show your support. Those who can donate, do so now before it is too late. Those who can not but still want to show your support, spread the word that KWTF needs help or it will disappear for good. The time is now...any delay and the station is gone.....and that would be shame for all the independent and unsigned bands that has gotten their first radio airplay here. I have been working my ass off trying to garner support. I thought having a raffle for band merchandise would be one place to garner support...but other than one individual one else sent a thing. Then I figured having my show, The Guest List, would be a good idea..not only would the known musicians/bands appearing on the show as guest DJ's get notice from the metal community but it would be great promotion for the less known and unsigned bands/musicians who appear on the show as guest DJ's...but if we can't come up with the donations, there will be no radio station to have this show on....I'm running out of ideas..and my heart is very sad.


KWTF Promotions
Unfortunately the economy is going down the shitter. At a time when gas and food prices are skyrocketing people are penny pinching like never before. Most people arent gonna donate something "here" when they can get if for free "there".

Its one of the contributing factors why I wont be at PPUSA this year.
I never saw this thread, brings back memories.


Press Release

KWTF is proudly announcing its back on the air and its a great honor to
announce Ryan McKnight of Wide Open Throttle has asked Us to Broadcast his
4th annual A White Open Throttle Christmas Toys for Tots show LIVE on the
net from BFE Rock Club Houston.
The show will be on Dec 3rd 2011 with Free admission with a new unwrapped
toy And will be broadcasted at in 128k straight from
the stage.

Toys for Tots Houston gave 21,000 toys to 7000 kids last season, this
season there will be many more kids in need due to the wildfires this
summer. KWTF is asking all of those out of the area to send a new toy ( no
cash ) to the club and spread the word. Lets double the number of toys
this year!

You can send a new toy (EARLY) in the mail to:

BFE Rock Club c/o
Wide Open Throttle Toys for Tots
11528 Jones Road
Houston Tx 77070

thank you Ryan , BFE and thanks to the sponsors, Lone Star Metal, Music
News Magazine and Sweetmom’s BBQ Rub for making this show happen.

The Broadcast sponsors so far are and If your interested in sponsoring the broadcast
contact Robert Rutherford at info (@) Sponsorship would be
your site helping get the word out, no cash will be accepted by KWTF for this broadcast. Lets do this for the kids.

No room for drama this go round, learned alot and ready to get back to work.