DON'T rate my mix/tone, but check it out! ;)


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
When I write songs, I like to just quickly record shit and throw together scratch tracks to get it in shape. That's what I did with this song. I tracked sloppy guitars of doom some 2-3 days ago, and tracked drums today, also very sloppy. (Please forgive me for my sloppiness! :( It's just temporary sloppiness, I assure you). The reason for the sloppy drums is that I had basically no idea of what to play, so I just played something and when I as a drummer just don't know what to play... I tend to "stagger" and be generally untight on the drums =)

Anyway, thought I'd throw it up here for mah fellow UM dawgs to give feedback on the actual song. Maybe I'll allow you to rate the guitar tone as well, since that's kinda important to me. I'm still trying to figure out if I should continue on the digital way, or just send the DIs to someone later when I have full songs, for reamping (Hi Marcus! ;);))

So, only sloppy drums, sloppy guitars and a cheap (actually free) and cheesy synth so far. The guitars are probably a bit too low in this "mix". I guess the bass is gonna have a huge impact on this type of music, and let's not forget the vox... so what do you think, will this song make it in the end? Or is it poooooooooooooooooooo? =) You decide! 2 New with Drums.mp3
sounds good to me dude :kickass:

djent in A# is always good, and considering you not only played in guitars but you also played in drums (with a cool drum sound I might add) then it's a pretty good effort! riffs rule btw.

can't wait to hear this recorded properly :rock:
I like it the ideas you have, considering you just threw them down. The synths really add to the atmosphere. Not so sure about the clean part though.
If you're sticking with amp sims, may I ask what you're currently using?
YEEOWW, may I suggest heading over to and buying ApTrigga IMMEDIATELY to banish that poofy, pillowy kick sound with some blissful sample replacement! (I just made a big archive of all the kick samples I've accumulated, PM me and I'll link you!) Otherwise, let's see, guitars need to come up, and the synths are too loud in some spots (though with louder guitars that probably won't be an issue). Oh wait, you didn't want any rating on the mix/tone - well I'm re-amping for you, so you can deal with it! :heh: And honestly, it's hard to judge the music with the guitars so low (spoken like the guitarist that I am :D)
Aye, it's gonna be nice to record this properly later. I personally don't like this drum sound but, considering I was in a hurry, I guess it's "ok". Doesn't matter anyway, it's all just temporarily for the sake of getting the song down for further composing etc.

Now I'm a bit confused... you say it's djent, but is djent a certain style of music or just the sound of the guitars? I thought djent was only a type of sound on guitars, and most of those djent guys play meshuggah-ish music, so therefore one could say djent is something like meshuggah-ish, but... well, I'm confused because I'm not sure what I would classify this song as, but it's interesting you think of djent :P

Edit: This post was aimed as a reply to Scar_Symmetry :)
I like it the ideas you have, considering you just threw them down. The synths really add to the atmosphere. Not so sure about the clean part though.
If you're sticking with amp sims, may I ask what you're currently using?

The clean part is... too gay, or what's up? :D Yea I'm not so sure about it either.

Ok, I'll "reveal" what I'm using currently for my monitoring tone.... man, this feels like coming out of the closet. You know that amp sim that nobody uses because it sucks ass for anything and everything? Steinberg... Warp? :D It's that one combined with Revalver mkIII (Triple XXX). Warp has a cool "character" but an aweful sound, and lacks a lot of mids, so I had to combine it with Revalver which is very middy.

YEEOWW, may I suggest heading over to and buying ApTrigga IMMEDIATELY to banish that poofy, pillowy kick sound with some blissful sample replacement! (I just made a big archive of all the kick samples I've accumulated, PM me and I'll link you!) Otherwise, let's see, guitars need to come up, and the synths are too loud in some spots (though with louder guitars that probably won't be an issue). Oh wait, you didn't want any rating on the mix/tone - well I'm re-amping for you, so you can deal with it! :heh: And honestly, it's hard to judge the music with the guitars so low (spoken like the guitarist that I am :D)

Haha Marcus :P Yeah I agree, the kick is.... eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!! It would work for some soft rock or something, I dunno... :)

Yup, I will definately buy ApTrigga but I'm just gonna get into Reaper first, and buy that of course :) (Didn't reaper have it's own sample replacement thingie? I'll need to dig up that tutorial around here for it...)

It's really cool that you are willing to re-amp dude ^^ Let's see what Morgoe thinks of the tones, since I'm not the only one who decides.
The clean part is... too gay, or what's up? :D Yea I'm not so sure about it either.

Ok, I'll "reveal" what I'm using currently for my monitoring tone.... man, this feels like coming out of the closet. You know that amp sim that nobody uses because it sucks ass for anything and everything? Steinberg... Warp? :D It's that one combined with Revalver mkIII (Triple XXX). Warp has a cool "character" but an aweful sound, and lacks a lot of mids, so I had to combine it with Revalver which is very middy.

Haha Marcus :P Yeah I agree, the kick is.... eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!! It would work for some soft rock or something, I dunno... :)

Yup, I will definately buy ApTrigga but I'm just gonna get into Reaper first, and buy that of course :) (Didn't reaper have it's own sample replacement thingie? I'll need to dig up that tutorial around here for it...)

It's really cool that you are willing to re-amp dude ^^ Let's see what Morgoe thinks of the tones, since I'm not the only one who decides.

The clean part doesn't sounnd gay, just doesn't sit well with everything before and after it, but this may be more of a mixing issue really.
Care to share your DIs as I'd love to play around with them! :)
Oh and I did up a Reaper tutorial a while back ->

If that's not the one you're looking for, I'm sure that Pipelineaudio on the Reaper forums did a sound replacement one (it's on the Reaper Wiki somewhere).
The clean part doesn't sounnd gay, just doesn't sit well with everything before and after it, but this may be more of a mixing issue really.
Care to share your DIs as I'd love to play around with them! :)
Oh and I did up a Reaper tutorial a while back ->

If that's not the one you're looking for, I'm sure that Pipelineaudio on the Reaper forums did a sound replacement one (it's on the Reaper Wiki somewhere).

Thank you for the link :)

You want the DIs for everything? Well.. "everything" conists of just 8 drum tracks and 2 guitar tracks ^^ The synth is just something to fill the sound spectrum with temporarily as this song is still in the writing process, but I can package that too if you like.

I'll get 'em back home with me today or tomorrow then.
Thank you for the link :)

You want the DIs for everything? Well.. "everything" conists of just 8 drum tracks and 2 guitar tracks ^^ The synth is just something to fill the sound spectrum with temporarily as this song is still in the writing process, but I can package that too if you like.

I'll get 'em back home with me today or tomorrow then.

Cheers dude, much appreciated! :)
I think that if you had that reamped it would completely alter the way the song flows it seems...Song is great though.

1: Buy a LL Redeye immediately and get Marcus to reamp your tracks, so eventually if you want to buy your own amp/cab setup, you can just reamp yourself.

2: Reaper does have a sampling program, its called "ReaSampOmatic5000"

The clean part is... too gay, or what's up? Yea I'm not so sure about it either.

I Think that has mostly to do with the effect you used for the clean guitars, just doesn't sit well with the song I think.
I Think that has mostly to do with the effect you used for the clean guitars, just doesn't sit well with the song I think.

See, this is the problem... the production is in the way of the song. I'm trying my best not to tweak any sounds while writing the songs, because that is such a bad idea, and when I post an idea here... people get hung up on the production. The production while being in the writing stage, is totally irrelevant, but I understand that people do tend to get hung up on production around here since... well, this forum is a hell lot about producing :D

But really, how am I supposed to even test such a thing as a "if you had that reamped it would completely alter the way the song flows it seems", while in the writing stage? This can't be true, because that would mean that you can't write music on an acoustic guitar, because you constantly need to hear how it sounds through an amp. But I know you can write heavy music on an acoustic guitar, so I'm not sure about that statement...

Sorry if it this came through as a arrogant "I'm defending myself"-post btw. It wasn't mean like that.

Hey, I still stick by my statement that the "clean" part is gay :D I'm gonna change that a bit... I'll probably change some more stuff before the last riff, to sort of build it up, and then the song should be pretty complete regarding arrangement. Then I can start layering stuff, harmonizing shit and so on.

Heh, I redid the drums a little today, just played something a bit different to "spice it up", but I broke a stick (I promised myself to try playing without rimshots, but the sound of rimshots are just..... yuuuuum...), so I quickly reached out to grab another one and that one was half broken, so I was struggling to maintain the beat and shit... haha, it's really untight at some parts due to various things. Aaaaaanyway, that's now what it's about right now, it's just scratch tracks (but I do feel ashamed to even post these ideas while they sound like this!). 2 New with Drums v2.mp3

If anyone has any idea in their mind, like "Dude, you should experiment with some plucked J-sus (lol) chords at 4:55" etc etc, they're very welcome!
digitaldeath, mah maaan, here is the DI rar files:

Once again... it hurts me to share these DIs when they're tracked so sloppily, and the guitars are copy 'n paste on a lot of parts so... I'm not really sure what it is you want to do with these man =) I tried micing the OH as a spaced pair today when I redid the drums, instead of XY as last time. As usual, didn't have time to check the phase between all mics, especially the OH, so... I dunno, you might be in for a surprise dude!