Don't you love it when bands do this.


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Note the dates of these statements from Skinlab's website.

Hey Hey ya'll , time to drop some more news .

Tons going on in the Skinlab camp ,we've been busy trying to get everything together for the next release "The Nerve Damage Sessions".........At first the idea was to put out a EP to help sustain the 'buzz" while we were on downtime/writing/healing. But somewhere in stride we decided it might be best to release a full record or possibly even a double record!! We had so many tracks that have never been heard by our fans, that we feel we can put out a killer collaboration of tunes that we'll be able stand behind.
We're done recording 2 new songs "Beneath The Surface" and "Losing All" (formally Nerve Damage) + Acoustic version of "Purify",We still deciding on what tracks to use from the Steve Evetts, they all sound pretty damn cool after not hearing them for so long, it gonna be hard to decide what to use."

Skinlab Family,
Hey everyone. Today is a day that I thought would never come. We want to let let you all know that Skinlab will be going on Hiatus. We are NOT breaking up, but just taking a break from something we have been doing non'stop for 10 years.

On behalf of the band, I want to thank all of our fans throughout the world!! You guys have been so supportive over the years, that it makes it nearly impossible for us to break up.This is a long "deserved" break, that we need in order to continue making music together.

Skinlab have had some killer times together, we've toured with some of our favorite bands and have made tons of friends along the way. On the darker side of things, we've watched bands rise and fall, scenes come and go, we've been passed up by big opportunities. All this has taken it's toll on Skinlab. If we had a penny for every band that said they we're gonna take us on tour ......we'd still be on tour!
But for now, the Monster must sleep!

See ya soon