Doom Metal off the beaten path...


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
Just looking for any different/strange doom metal...

a decent black/doom band might be interesting...
gothic/doom stuff like type o negative and celtic frost - monotheist would also be great...

Recs definitely dont need to be confined to those subgenres though.
Have you ever listened to Virgin Black?



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Virgin black seems... a little too whiny... a little to christiany (this is pretty much the dealbreaker here... I dont want to listen to someone whine about jesus irl, let alone in my metal)... and their vocalist kinda annoys me... I'm gonna have to pass there.

Is it bad that I'd rather hear lyrics about rape/murder/mutilation than christianity? :erk:

I'll check out the other two soon.