doomsday doomsday


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
The pope elected to succeed John Paul II will be assassinated and his death will spark a Muslim invasion of the West that will split the Roman Catholic Church, according to an interpretation of Nostradamus' prophecies by a leading Colombian author.

Gonzalo Echeverri, a Colombian investigating judge and author of a book on Nostradamus, said: "The next pope elected will be subsequently murdered in central Italy.

"Then comes pope No 112, who will flee Rome because of an attack by Muslims."

According to Echeverri, the pope will base himself in Avignon, France, and another pontiff will take control in Italy, splitting the Catholic church in two.

"There is a clear prophecy that says the holy father will move to another place, even warning that the French pope will not be able to stay in Avignon due to the Muslim invasion and will flee again to Lyon, where he will be attacked, according to Nostradamus," Echeverri said.

Is this reality, or just a nightmare?
donkho said:

mexican muslims eh?? intriguing...

Strangelight said:
The pope elected to succeed John Paul II will be assassinated and his death will spark a Muslim invasion of the West that will split the Roman Catholic Church, according to an interpretation of Nostradamus' prophecies by a leading Colombian author.

Gonzalo Echeverri, a Colombian investigating judge and author of a book on Nostradamus, said: "The next pope elected will be subsequently murdered in central Italy.

"Then comes pope No 112, who will flee Rome because of an attack by Muslims."

According to Echeverri, the pope will base himself in Avignon, France, and another pontiff will take control in Italy, splitting the Catholic church in two.

"There is a clear prophecy that says the holy father will move to another place, even warning that the French pope will not be able to stay in Avignon due to the Muslim invasion and will flee again to Lyon, where he will be attacked, according to Nostradamus," Echeverri said.

Is this reality, or just a nightmare?

donkho said:
Mexican Muslims are much better than French/Gay/e-inmature muslims tho....

dont forget e-immature and nosey irish lads
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

heres something interesting :

ffs, Some Irish really...

Waiting for the train and 2 Irish guys come up.

"Which train do we get to north station?"

"all the trains go there, its only two stops"

"Does that train go there?" (points to train switched off)

"All trains go there"

"So can we get on that train?"


"Why not?"

"The train isn't switched on"

"Oh right"

"Your from Ireland right?"


"Same here, Dublin"

"uh huh. Ok thanks" (walks off)....

(sorry, Pistol pete, Strangelight and others may get offended) but google said this. :) )