The Pope is in a bad way!


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
VATICAN CITY Sept. 30 — Ailing Pope John Paul II is "in a bad way," one of his closest advisers said in an interview published Tuesday, calling on the faithful to pray for him.

An aide to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, however, told The Associated Press that the comments in no way indicated John Paul's health had worsened in recent days. Instead, they reflected concern about John Paul's frailty, the aide said.

The Polish-born pontiff, who was elected as pope in 1978, is 83 and suffers from Parkinson's disease
cedarbreed said:
Ah i was about to make such a thread !

hes been in a bad way for years its only the fact that hes the representative of the one true god here on earth thats kept him alive the last ten years, god bless and save him.
good riddance?? they'll elect another one you know. :lol:

Hopefully he'll be as strong on the fundamental catholic values as the present holy father
i think even some cardinals know that perfectly well.
let's see, maybe they'll elect a black woman this time... not.
the next pope might be our (belgian) arch bishop...

but he's already kinda weak. but i heard they only want old popes that are about to die within 20 years cause they dont like me being in charge for decades...