Pope gon' die!

Russell said:
Haha, I couldn't believe that. "Lets go to Africa and tell them not to use contraception, AIDs isn't a big problem!!". Apparently his two day visit to Africa completely undermined years of work from charities, and had a major impact on HIV infection rates.
You couldn't believe that an archaic and ass backwards organization like the Catholic Church would fuck something up by sticking to their foolishly idiotic little rules regarding birth control? I could, after all, condoms are THE DEVIL!!!
I was at a (shitty) party (with good beer) this weekend, and fell into a discussion about this girl that didn't use condoms, but rather just used abortions as birth control, apparently she had 3 within the last year or so. This is what happens people! This is what happens when you discuss the evils of condoms, the pill, and pulling out, the kids don't use them, then when they MYSTERIOUSLY get pregnant and freak out, have no other choice but to get an abortion or throw the baby into a dumpster! Fookin' eejits.

Of course, this girl apparently once thought she got pregnant through buttsex, so I've certainly seen brighter crayons.
She wasn't there actually, otherwise I would've definitely tried. Woulda learned her the great art of birth control with a nice facial. :loco:

That party totally blew, 3 hot chicks showed up, one of which was with her fiaancncane, the other two staying approx. 14 seconds before bailing. I was part of the outcast group that night anyhow, 4 of us outside smoking and drinking, 10 other people indoors completely ignoring us. Fags!
the original catholic view on condoms was that it stopped the spread of life
sex really only being favoured between married couples, but since that condoms are more used to prevent the spread of death, so they know that they are in fact in reversal of thier own policy
but the pope had this whole moral glorified sanctity of marraige thing going on since he was a young man.....and he is infalable after all

the inquistion threated gallileo (excuse my spelling-hangover) with torture if he didn't recant that his view that the earth revolved around the sun and that the earth was not the center of the universe
even though capericous (correct me if i'm wrong) had made that discovery over a hundred years past it was viewed as heresy to support that view

thier business has always been about lies and fear

fucking wankers

and theres all this bullshit lately about jp2 being the pope who's big on truth
when in fact this church had been covering up the worlds biggest child sexual abuse mess for decades
there have been over 28,000 cases raised in the USA alone


and with all this morality, where do you think holds the worlds biggest collection of pornographic art, yep the vatican vaults
bunged with it

why can't the world accept, that its all bullshit and tear all these religions down
redistribute thier wealth and put some energy into the planet and the human race
instead of this farce

to quote
"cunts in charge of religion"
"fucking cunts"

derek + clive
Go right ahead. I've been reading up on worldwide religions and the concept of "organized religion" seems to be where they all fuck up, and end up tripping over their own ceremonial robes.
unhinged said:
the inquistion threated gallileo (excuse my spelling-hangover) with torture if he didn't recant that his view that the earth revolved around the sun and that the earth was not the center of the universe even though capericous (correct me if i'm wrong) had made that discovery over a hundred years past it was viewed as heresy to support that view

Don't forget that Bruno, one of Copernicus' supporters, actually suggested the solar system was just one of many similar in an endless number of galazies, and was burnt at the stake as a result of his beliefs. The catholic church aplogised to Bruno, Copernicus and Galileo, among others, for their torture in 1998, about 300 years later :hypno:

A Goethe quote I just found:

"Of all discoveries and opinions, none may have exerted a greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus. The world had scarcely become known as round and complete in itself when it was asked to waive the tremendous privilege of being the center of the universe. Never, perhaps, was a greater demand made on mankind - for by this admission so many things vanished in mist and smoke! What became of our Eden, our world of innocence, piety and poetry; the testimony of the senses; the conviction of a poetic - religious faith? No wonder his contemporaries did not wish to let all this go and offered every possible resistance to a doctrine which in its converts authorized and demanded a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed not even dreamed of."