
the crunch chanel on full gain is all i need for rythm, and the gain chanel is sufficient for solos. not that i'd say no to a jcm 900 or an engl powerball
I have no sense of tone. it's a point of constant ridicule among my guitar friends. as long as there's metal leveal gain on both i couldn't tell a mesa from a marshall

Ol: Dave pass me that briefcase?
Me: Whats this?
Ol: Itsthe case of doom!
Me: LOL!! WHats in the case of doom then, Ol?
Ol: Errr... doomy things!

hehe that was hilarious

and loved when they were moving all the gear Ol was just stood there in a bit of a dream world, comes to, picks up one drum pedal and moves it over to everything else while everyone is moving all the big boxes etc