Doro Pesch does Maiden


That's gonna leave a mark
Dec 13, 2002
Spokane, WA
Ok, so a couple weeks ago I won this contest... the prize a singed Doro CD, DVD (Classic Diamonds) and a phone call from Doro herself. She called me last wee and we talked for maybe 40 minutes. She's very sweet and we had a good time and talked about tons of stuff and she played some tasty tid-bits from her upcoming CD. It was all very cool.

Then I got the CD and DVD. The DVD was in PAL so we need to trade it for an NTSC version, but it will play in my computer. One of the concerts was filmed at teh Wacken Open Air Festival. For this tour she performs with an entire orchestra, it's pretty cool. Anyway the first song out of the shoot she does Maiden's Fear of the Dark and has a little guest help... Blaze Bailey. Yeah, yeah... it's not Maiden or Bruce, but very cool none the less :headbang:

Oh, Chris Caffery plays on a couple tracks too.
Woah, that is very awesome!!! She's THE original rock chick!!! :headbang: I love her voice. I have a dvd of and Warlock live in London and it's very cool!!! It says it has some bonus tracks but I can't find them anywhere on the dvd. I'm dying to see cos one track is titled "Four Horsemen" and I'm wondering if it was the Metallica version. I got excited when I saw the title "Wrathchild" in the listing, but it's not the Maiden one.
Years ago (excuse the pun) when I painted the cover to an Alice Cooper tribute cd , I suggested Doro and Kate Bush for 2 open vocal/song slots. I thought Kate doing Mary Ann would be brilliant and having Doro singing Only Women Bleed would of ruled.....nobody listened to me....again.....bummer.
Is that anything like "Debbie does Dallas"?? ;)

Hey Alan, I thought you said you never won anything cool before you won your last thing. :headbang: Maybe it's time to get those lotto tix then! That's really neat about the phone call. A very genuine idea. I met Doro many years ago at a Foundations Forum and she was as sweet as could be.........and
T-I-N-Y!!!! She's the little mouse that roared!
Seems to me she's about 4' 10" She reminds me of a female Ronnie James Dio. Little package, huge voice. :headbang:

Hmm.... Linda, I don't remember saying that... :tickled: I have certainly been blessed and have "won" my fair share of nifty stuff over the years :worship: She was definately fun to yak with.
Tap_Legion2 said:
...and having Doro singing Only Women Bleed would of ruled.....nobody listened to me....again.....bummer.

actually, lita ford did that alice cooper track on her STILETTO cd from 1990. and tori amos covered it too as a cd5 b-side a few years back.

and doro rules. have never had the pleasure to see her live. i'd love to her perform some of her songs from 1986-91. :headbang: