Double recording and equipment issue

Dethroned De Deth

New Metal Member
Feb 6, 2010
So I kind of have a two part question here:

First one is, I'm trying to connect my PC through my interface and into my amp. I have done it before with a laptop and it was succesful. Now the issue is when I connect it, I get tons of feedback for some reason. I just want to connect it so I can play some ambient radio chatter and noise through the amp.

Second one is, I have a DL4 and I love it. Only problem with it, is that the thing doesent even last me more than 2 months before I have to send it in for service. Was just curious what is out there as far as delay loop stations. I am also looking for something with a little more control on the looping, like being able to fade a loop away and play something over it. Any suggestions? Oh and I despise BOSS.