Need Help Setting Up New Rig


New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2011
Milford, NH
I just recently upgraded my entire rig with a new Orange 4x12 and a Peavey 6505+

I have also 3-4 effects that I need to hook up to it but have very little experience in setting up pedals through an effects loop. I was wondering if anyone can help explain the order I need to put the pedals in, e.g - how they should be in the signal path/ whether I need them in the effects loop or instrument chain.

The pedals I am using are

BBE Sonic Stomp

Boss Reverb Pedal

Boss NS -2 Noise Suppressor

MXR M-109 6 Band EQ

Boss Tuner

How should i set them up? What goes through the effects loop and what doesnt? and how the hell does everything connect to the input in the front? or does it only need to be run through the loop? I literally have no experience with tube amps so id like to get some help before i completely destroy a $1200 head.
Noise Suppresor and Tuner in front of the amp.
Reverb in the loop.
Eq can either go in front of the amp if you're using it to tighten the low end from your guitar before it hits the amp (like a tubescreamer) or if you want it for general tone adjustment then it's better off in the loop.
Dunno about the BBE, most here would probably tell you not to bother using it at all.