Doubt Andre Matos?

The thing is that Jorn had numerous solo cds, just a shame he didn't do enough off of the ones I like and left me rather dissappointed. Worldchanger and Out to Every Nation are the only 2 that strike me, and of course Ark and the first Masterplan disc are classics in my book, so he definately was headliner worthy with great material I love but ended up playing only a couple songs I liked and played mostly his lame material and cover songs I could of done without. I hope Andre plays it smarter than Jorn and plays material that he is mostly known and legendary for rather than material that is not his best work but is his more current work, but at least he won't do tons of covers like Jorn, unless he does the Journey cover live, which I enjoyed more than the rest of his solo disc.
Do it!!! :)

Yeah, I think lots of festivals, esp here in the states, are pretty much simply a gathering of bands supporting one or two bands that are somewhat headliner worthy.

very true. I think that is the big problem with so called "fest" here in the states. People think getting one solid act and tons of locals or any band that they can grab cheap is a way to book a fest. I think the worse ones are the promoters that book 6 bands and call it a fest. That means the Pearl Room has fest every weekend.

Back to the topic at hand. No one will ever be completely happy with any line up. We all agree and disagree. I am really hoping to get down there this year. I would love to see Matos live.
Back to the topic at hand. No one will ever be completely happy with any line up. We all agree and disagree. I am really hoping to get down there this year. I would love to see Matos live.

I hope to as well....

Was Matos not with Angra when you saw them?

Sorry, I am not very familiar with Angra's history.
To attempt to insert some degree of rationalization into this pointless argument, follow this logic Q......

You stated
He's really not that great of a singer.
, which by its very nature implies a degree of objectivity as opposed to a subjective statement, such as "I don't care for Andre's voice". This is what is heating things up here. This is not an attempt at opinion, this is an attempt at stating fact.

To use an American sports analogy, I could say "I don't like Peyton Manning" (which is true and I can argue until I am blue in the face). However, were I to say "Peyton Manning is really not that great of a football player", I would be wrong. Pure, simple, dead wrong. And I would expect everyone on this board, Manning fan or not, to call me out on it.

So if there is a long line of people knocking you for this comment, understand WHY they are knocking you.
To attempt to insert some degree of rationalization into this pointless argument, follow this logic Q......

You stated , which by its very nature implies a degree of objectivity as opposed to a subjective statement, such as "I don't care for Andre's voice". This is what is heating things up here. This is not an attempt at opinion, this is an attempt at stating fact.

I agree.

its all about the delivery of the opinion.

that being said, I think Andre's voice is phenomenal.
To attempt to insert some degree of rationalization into this pointless argument, follow this logic Q......

You stated , which by its very nature implies a degree of objectivity as opposed to a subjective statement, such as "I don't care for Andre's voice". This is what is heating things up here. This is not an attempt at opinion, this is an attempt at stating fact.

To use an American sports analogy, I could say "I don't like Peyton Manning" (which is true and I can argue until I am blue in the face). However, were I to say "Peyton Manning is really not that great of a football player", I would be wrong. Pure, simple, dead wrong. And I would expect everyone on this board, Manning fan or not, to call me out on it.

So if there is a long line of people knocking you for this comment, understand WHY they are knocking you.

and that is fine that people don't agree with me. But when they start bashing me personally thats when it starts going wrong. Why can't people just say "OK theres one persons opinion, thats his right to say it. I don't agree with it but I respect anothers opinion?" Instead I get bashed. I know several people that hate and loathe Michael Kiskes voice even on both Keeper albums. I don't care, thats their opinion just like mine with Matos. I just think hes not headliner material, maybe second or third from Headliner thats all.
TYou stated , which by its very nature implies a degree of objectivity as opposed to a subjective statement, such as "I don't care for Andre's voice". This is what is heating things up here. This is not an attempt at opinion, this is an attempt at stating fact.
While what you're saying is true, we've all been guilty of doing this at one time or another. If someone who knew nothing of this scene spent a few days going through this forum, they'd wind up believing that all artists were either "geniuses" or they "sucked". The folks who constitute this forum are all quite passionate about music, and consequently are given to serious bouts of hyperbole. However, as with most things, the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle (unless we're talking about Nevermore, in which case they are "geniuses").

As per your point, it raises an interesting question. If someone is in key, technically I suppose, they can sing. However, if they sound god awful, have almost no power and convey zero emotion, am I obligated to point out that they were in key, and therefore objectively can sing, before I point out that they sound like a drunk cat in heat (<- not directed at Matos)?

Why can't people just say "OK theres one persons opinion, thats his right to say it. I don't agree with it but I respect anothers opinion?"

For the books, and not that it really has anything to do with the subject at hand, I'd like it to be known that I do not respects anyone elses opinion! My pov is always the correct one (unless my wife tells me otherwise)!!!!

For the books, and not that it really has anything to do with the subject at hand, I'd like it to be known that I do not respects anyone elses opinion! My pov is always the correct one (unless my wife tells me otherwise)!!!!

Truly said like someone who has been mnarried far longer than you have! True it is, however......:erk:
As per your point, it raises an interesting question. If someone is in key, technically I suppose, they can sing. However, if they sound god awful, have almost no power and convey zero emotion, am I obligated to point out that they were in key, and therefore objectively can sing, before I point out that they sound like a drunk cat in heat (<- not directed at Matos)?


C'mon Zod....fess up. Who are you really talking about then...? :heh:
I just love how the first thing you did in this paragraph-long post of yours was to call the other guy an idiot. And then when people say anything about you, you get all pissy. You keep on with this whole "I'm more opinionated than anybody else and am not afraid to speak the truth," but in reality you're just whiny and get offended easily.

Don't forget adding in "LOL" too frequently. I'd picture him more sitting there wiggly and irritated than emitting a good-natured belly laugh. There are constructive ways to converse on the internet, and starting a reply with "LOL but you're an idiot" isn't really one of them.

I don't know Matos' catalogue too well aside from Angra. I would watch him from the seats, not having the enthusiasm that I'd have for Sabaton et al.