Wolftribe said:
lets take penelope cruz hostage!!

Better yet...we could force the spanish people to elect Penelope Cruz as their president, then sit back and laugh as we watch their country fall apart...
I vote for Penelope Cruz coming to my house right now and fucking my brains out.

Also, giant squids are so fucked up.....they're just so massive and they have NO SPINES! Invertabret(sp?) animals are pure madness.


Taco Bell is great. I know the quality ain't so great. But I love the taste. its just SO damn good imo. I fucking LOVE their steak quesadillas! MAN! they are yummy like the moon!
Wolftribe said:
and then take penelope cruz hostage?

yes, this would be the culmination of my well laid plans. The spanish people would be so pissed off with her that they would want her gone, thus bequeathing her and all her assets to the mastermind of this operation...yours truly. With her assets I will purchase the love of Kate Beckinsale and have Carson Daly killed (or at least some other pop-culture icon). Penelope Cruz I give to you, she is the ugly one by comparison.
Ecstatic Youth said:
Also, giant squids are so fucked up.....they're just so massive and they have NO SPINES! Invertabret(sp?) animals are pure madness.
i looooooove the madness...oh yes :dopey:
FretsAflame said:
yes, this would be the culmination of my well laid plans. The spanish people would be so pissed off with her that they would want her gone, thus bequeathing her and all her assets to the mastermind of this operation...yours truly. With her assets I will purchase the love of Kate Beckinsale and have Carson Daly killed (or at least some other pop-culture icon). Penelope Cruz I give to you, she is the ugly one by comparison.

hmmmm i say we have a competition.... who ever wins gets Kate (who will be forced to always wear stuff like she does in Underworld), and whoever gets second gets the spanish hotty...
what's the contest? whatever it is, i get handicap points for being a grandfather, and being high off my ass on what ecstatic youth brought me in my pipe
raiz said:
what's the contest? whatever it is, i get handicap points for being a grandfather, and being high off my ass on what ecstatic youth brought me in my pipe
ha ha ha, your handicapped because your old. old ppl are fucked up.

and btw, that stuff in your was Maui Wowwee hyperweed! can i have a hit?

think about how fucked up it would be to get bakes with ones grandparents. woah.....i don't wanna think about that!
dude i can't wait till i'm old. being old would suck so bad, the only thing left to do would be toke all day...aaaah it'll be amazing. see death creeping toward you in slow motion...ahhhh=)

raiz said:
dude i can't wait till i'm old. being old would suck so bad, the only thing left to do would be toke all day...aaaah it'll be amazing. see death creeping toward you in slow motion...ahhhh=)

that is fucking gold!
ahhhh, toking up all day would indeed be teh shit

thats actually the plan for me and my buddies in a couple weeks during the cycling championships here in my cityof hamilton. its gonna be a big long weekend, so we're gonna gpo to toronto at like 10 in the morning. go to the weed cafe and get ripped, walk around T.O and buy some shit. go back to the weed cafe and get more ripped. rinse and repeat until days end. thats only 1 time thing though. i don't smoke that much.......BUT WHEN I'M OLDER!!! OOHHH YAAAHHHH!!!!