Ecstatic Youth said:
i'd take penelope over kate for sure. that fuckin accent on penelope cruz......oh jesus.....its so fuckin hot

kate has this tawdry little english accent that totally twizzles my biscuit.



That last thing you said totally didn't make any goddamn sense.

Yeah it did!

Oh yeah?


Then what the hell is a biscuit, and how does one twizzle it?

Err,'s what gets twizzled by the english accent of one totally hot lady!

Wolftribe said:
hmmmm i say we have a competition.... who ever wins gets Kate (who will be forced to always wear stuff like she does in Underworld), and whoever gets second gets the spanish hotty...

I'm game.

Okay, here's the competition: Whoever gets the name "FretsAflame" and posts under it first wins.

Ready? GO!


And hey, i don't think i'll force her to wear that stuff, but I will demand that she remain as smokin' as she is.
you only think you won! because of my ten handicap points for being ecstatic youth's pappy, i win by default! and uh...i did have the name fretsaflame and posted under it first anyways, my internet from the days when i was young is just really really slow. it's still uploading my profile onto and i'm just using my son(al gore)'s computer until it's all uploaded. ...!
raiz said:
you only think you won! because of my ten handicap points for being ecstatic youth's pappy, i win by default! and uh...i did have the name fretsaflame and posted under it first anyways, my internet from the days when i was young is just really really slow. it's still uploading my profile onto and i'm just using my son(al gore)'s computer until it's all uploaded. ...!

Aha, you only think i only think i have won, but the price is wrong you old bastard!

That's right...i went there.

Besides, i get props for being a 40 year old virgin who breeds sea-monkey's for use in para-military operations = automatic win!
raiz said:
alright, i concede. you are the uncontested winner. but i got second place yo.
can i have a sea monkey?

First answer me this, if not Kate Beckinsale or Penelope Cruz, who would you want?
you ever see labyrinth? not only is that movie wicked-awesome, but i so so so wanted to fuck jennifer connely after i saw that movie. she looked way better then than now, but i'd prolly still want her. congratulations on yer women buster.
raiz said:
you ever see labyrinth? not only is that movie wicked-awesome, but i so so so wanted to fuck jennifer connely after i saw that movie. she looked way better then than now, but i'd prolly still want her. congratulations on yer women buster.

OMG Jennifer Connely = possibly level with Kate Beckinsale.

They look a little bit alike in real life.

Well my friend, to you I bequeath an army of elite sea-monkeys with which to capture Jennifer Connely and a mini-city of Troy to cordone you, her, and the sea monkeys off from her husband.
That is sad :(

Surely, Cthulhu will dispose of Spain for their murderous ways....
fucker could've at least necro'd a thread where I was saying something smart... :(

god I must've been jacked on like 9 cups of coffee when I wrote this shit.