Downfall or Everytime I Die

I don't wanna say that a song is better than another, 'cause it's always depending on the person and his/her taste and I don't know how I could define a song better or worse, 'cause I don't judge songs rating them for any reason, I only follow my emotions (that doesn't meant to be emo, but then again, I wouldn't care less if anyone would think I am, the problem ain't mine but people's closed mentality and prejudices).

Anywayz, I love both of these songs.... I love the lyrics in "Every time I die", even if maybe they aren't too cured and all, cuz Alexi never cared of lyrics for first, and I love the music too, expecially the beginning and the guitar solo... but I feel 'nearer' to "Downfall", maybe it's just 'cause of the sound, Hatebreeder album's sound, that style that I still like so much... I dunno why, but that's my choice, yeah.
:OMG:your dumb

What about my dumb?

@Swabs: What a wild assumption, which is incorrect and flat out retarded. I guess I can make the assumption that you think if I don't like the song Downfall, then my favorite album must be AYDY? Or that because Hatebreeder isn't the only album that I listen to, that my favorite album is AYDY? Hmm, fuck no. My favorite album is FTR, followed closely by Hatebreeder. I just hate it when you bodom "fans" think Hatebreeder is the only bodom album in existance.

He got a point, Hatebreeder is not the only album. I like mostly all of 'em ( it include AYDY, OH NOES!!!11!)it doesn't mean I'm stupid, retard of w/e . And if people like AYDY, it's called opinion, i could say you are dumb by appreciating Hatebreeder ( by example, i like hatebreeder too :D), W/e just GROW UP. XD