Download Festival

I mean seriously, dosen't anyone find that Opeth playing at the same venue as ''The Distiller's'' is a tad strange? a mate of mine brought a cd player to maths today at school & played some of there music. I felt like leaping from my desk to that cd player & just breaking every single peice of it.
i'm probs going to go, otherwise it'll be quite a long time till i see them live again.
but i just have to say it does disturb me somewhat, everytime i see that list of bands i involuntarily frown.
Calm down folks. I doubt any of the fans of these crap bands will even be there when opeth plays. I bet opeth is the opening band. And who's to say that these fucktards will even embrace their music? (Unless they play an entire mellow set) Plus opeth has been around for over 10 yr's and are 7 albums in. Most crapmercial bands are usually commerical starting their first album or two. Its all about the look and richy lifestyle. Opeth doesn't fit the bill. And to rest your minds...Go ffwd the lamentations documentary where Mikael states "We will never sellout because were not reliable like a band like chili peppers. There will not be a damnation 2"
I hope their next album by a miracle sells a million copies and pisses everyone with that "the unworthy shouldn't hear them" attitude off.
ive no problem with opeth being popular at all. they deserve it. but commercial music fans are little wankers, and i wouldnt be able to stand having them at the concerts trying to randomly start mosh pits (which i still think are shit) and throwing stuff at the band. little shits.
ChrisEmerson said:
no arch enemy being at download. i was surprised when they confirmed, but not after being as surprised at this years lineup. its getting better - they just need to get rid of all the shit there :)

Oh, Arch Enemy played at The Download Festival? were you there?
Am I the only one who thinks that Opeth might lose their intimate atmosphear and won't sound that good as a result of a huge stage in the outdoors? Also am I the only one willing to get a ticket just to see Opeth lol?