Download my debut CD for free :)


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
Hey everyone,

I'm trying to promote my debut CD to hopefully build up some support for my second CD that I am working on...

"Domination Liberation Purification" is the long-awaited debut album by ALAS, TYRANNY. While this CD is stylistically symphonic metal, it follows the formula of an epic opera. This concept album presents the story of good versus evil, and weakness versus strength, with each force represented by a different vocal style. The album undergoes many stylistic shifts, beginning with blackened death metal à la Behemoth and ending with a uniquely melodic and symphonic sound, crafted from the very best of the power, black, and death metal genres.

Click the link to download the full album in high quality:
Hey man, thanks for providing all these extra's: cover art, lyrics, Guitar Pro files, recording details, awesome!

And now I'm gonna listen to da tunes! ;)
I haven't been able to download nothing for a few weeks, but i've bookmarked this page so i can download it as soon as possible :D
Downloading now.

Nice album title. I even went so far as to read it aloud to make sure I could say it nice and fast... it has a nice ring to it.

EDIT: This shit is killer, dude! I absolutely loathe the kick, though.