My new CD is complete! (Free download+Preorder information)


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
The new CD "Domination Liberation Purification" for my band Alas, Tyranny is finished. I have the CDs coming in the mail :D

Here are the different ways you can get it:

- Free option: Click the following link to download a low quality mp3 version of the CD, Tyranny - Domination Liberation Purification If you like the music, please consider purchasing one of the other packs :)

- $5 option: Paypal me $5 (parsonsmatt at gmail dot com) and I will give you a download link that will contain 320kbps mp3s of the CD, lyrics, guitar pro files for all the songs, and the Reaper effects chains for my guitar sound.

- $10 option: Paypal me $10 and I'll give you the download link, and when the CDs come in, I'll mail one to you.

- $15 option: Paypal me $15, and I'll ALSO ship you a t-shirt!

(Non-US people please add $2 shipping for the t-shirt option)

You can check some song samples on the myspace:

Thanks everyone! :D
Thanks everyone for listening!

CDs arrived today and look great :)




My phone camera sucks ass, but this is a decent enough picture I guess
Is it just me, or does the low audio quality make this literally painful to listen to? Sounds promising, but I can't listen to it longer than like 20 seconds :(
Is it just me, or does the low audio quality make this literally painful to listen to? Sounds promising, but I can't listen to it longer than like 20 seconds :(

Odd.. I'm listening to the lofis now and while they're definitely not as good sounding as the HQ mp3s, they aren't particularly harsh/painful to listen to.
I didn't have any problems with listening to this :rock:
The only problem, MAYBE, would be not being able to turn it up loud (due to a small crappy stereo)
The packaged discs look good, man!!!