Download my New Record

So I've listened to this a few times through, its awesome as I had expected. You really achieved a rad atmosphere with this, dude. The mix is spot on for what this music needs. The mixing up of drum beats and odd chord usage really keeps it interesting. Kind of reminds me of Deathspell Omega with a bit more focus on heaviness, or atmosphere through mix and melody instead of chaos. If that makes any sense.

My one complaint is that I wish the vocals were a bit more notable. I'm fine with the massive amounts of delay. Could use a bit more character. Shriek a bit, go nuts. Kinda sounds like you were trying to be quiet during the vocal recordings, and with how awesomely loud the rest of the music is, it stands out in a weird way.

But I definitely way dig this, dude. :kickass:
So I've listened to this a few times through, its awesome as I had expected. You really achieved a rad atmosphere with this, dude. The mix is spot on for what this music needs. The mixing up of drum beats and odd chord usage really keeps it interesting. Kind of reminds me of Deathspell Omega with a bit more focus on heaviness, or atmosphere through mix and melody instead of chaos. If that makes any sense.

My one complaint is that I wish the vocals were a bit more notable. I'm fine with the massive amounts of delay. Could use a bit more character. Shriek a bit, go nuts. Kinda sounds like you were trying to be quiet during the vocal recordings, and with how awesomely loud the rest of the music is, it stands out in a weird way.

But I definitely way dig this, dude. :kickass:

Thanx man! And regarding the vocals, i should tell ya that this every bit of this record was done in my bedroom, at my parents house, which is a less-than-ideal recording envorionment for many reasons, so psychologically, i felt i should show some restraint. BUT, I can guarantee you that if I did this record in a professional studio environment, working with someone who understands extreme metal and, more importantly, what I'm trying to achieve with this project, then I sure as hell would get crazier and more dynamic with the vocals. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.