Downloading/Copying/Music & Issues/Opinions


Raging Heathen!
Sep 10, 2002
Northern Shores Of The Humber
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Maybe I shouldn't post this here but I'm going to.

In the days of Napster I made a lot of friends (greeks, germans, yanks, spaniards & brazilians) and discovered hell of a lot of excellent bands, I know Dragonmaiden made friends with a couple of band members from Brazilian metlars Dark Avenger and what a discovery they turned out to be. I'm also convinced that I'd have taken a lot longer to discover the divine power of Freternia, Elvenking & White Skull (all of which I now own all original albums) Also I'd never ever sell a bootleg album that I'd downloaded or copied. Also whenever I buy a new cd (which is usually a lot) I always burn it so I can have a copy for the car. This is purely and simply because if my car ever got fucked over and my precious original cds were stolen or damaged I'd be grief stricken.

IMHO I think if you're a true fan you'll always buy the original anyway. Thus the band will benefit. I'd hate to think I was ripping off a band.

Anyway, enough of my insane ramblings - what does everyone else think?
I ain't got much of a substantial opinion here, but I do think that the doors for file trading should be left open if only for the benefit of rare tracks/demos/B-sides/bootlegs and whatnot...which a band would not receive royalties for anyway! And definately need something better than Kazaa to do it with...there's other shit out there but they ain't as well known as the stuff from the olden days. Bring back Audiogalaxy :(

If artists are worried about losing money through file sharing maybe they should write better songs so people have justification for paying extortionate CD prices :p
IMO I feel that it is ok to share files and burn a disc. But if it's not on the market to be sold, it should not be shared. A Hell of alot of bands have gotten more attention through the MP3's and shouldn't be bitching about it. Many fans only have this form of listening to their favorite music and the bands that feel they are losing money because of it, CAN ALL KISS MY ASS!!! :eek: I know bands like Power Quest, Howling Syn, And Dragonforce appreciate all the help they have gotten from MP3 B/C without this kind of exposure they wouldn't have international fans already. Yes, I feel very strongly about this and I have never burned a cd. Why would anyone want a burned cd over the orginal copy? It has all the lyrics, info, photos, and it's just all around better sounding. I don't mean to upset anyone but this is how I feel. No Biggy. Take Care and PEACE. :rolleyes:
Interesting.....this takes me back to the mid to late 1980's when I was engaged in tape trading ( mainly demos) with some guys in Sweden and Germany. Bands like Treblinka who I think eventually became Tiamat. Anyway....I'm all in favour of mp3's or whatever your preferred format is but, as Eagle said, if I like what I hear then I go and buy the album. Same goes if a mate gives me a CD burn of an album!

To address Ayeka's point, CD prices are indeed extortionate but there's not much we can do about that as a band. The best way is to buy from the place with the least amount of a small mail order outlet can be £3- £4 cheaper than a mainstream store.
Oh yeah, I do have a couple of burned cds that was given to me to check the groups out. I have bought like 8 cds from being able to hear the music. It is just like the trading of tapes in the '80's and I read somewhere that bands are compensate for that. It was on the Stratovarius forum that I read that bit of info.
I agree with everyone on this thread so far, but Iwould like to point out a few things.

Yes, the real album is always he best to buy because of lyrics and photos and the like.
I myself bought the Dies Ire demo/album cd from listening to the MP3 of the band.

Anyway, here's my points:

#1-Metal music has always been an underground music and most likely always will be, regardless of trends where it becomes "popular".
If bands got into playing Metal for the money, they are in it for the wrong reasons.
Alot of people have lost sight of that as I've said before on another thread.
If they want to make money so badly, go play Alternitive or Rap or Pop Or even Country.All that shit has LEGIONS of idiotic fans who'll spend money on anything they hear regardless how terrible it sounds.

#2-Metal is a music by the people FOR the people. It is not a coporate conglomerate like the other styles of music mentioned above. They want to play Metal, then complain that they don't make enough money.
Tough! They should be glad that people are interested in their music enough to go ahead and BUY the album, come to the shows, by merchandise and so on.

#3-There is nothing wrong with checking a band out on the net, then burning a cd of them until you can get the money or time to actually by the album.Besides, they make money from shows and merchandise. If they aren't, they should either look into their record company's financial files and accounts, or find a better company.

I don't know how bands like Metallica, Stratovarius (now) and certain others live with theirselves due to how they treat their fans. These people are NOT true musicians nor metalheads at heart because they care more about money than their fans. But one thing is certain, if they keep treating their fans like they are criminals and being rude they will no longer HAVE any fans. Remember, fans can make a band or BREAK a band. Success should NOT be emphasized in how much money you make, but how much fans adore a band.

Yes, money is nice, but having fans that love a band and their music is better.
Treating their fans like they are special (and they are) and they will love and admire a band forever.
Some bands wouldn't know how to do this if it was written in front of them (or wouldn't care) and some already have done it. Like Steve and PQ. He listens to us and that is what makes him far ahead of the rest. :)

"A heart is not judged by how much you love, but how much YOU are loved by OTHERS."- The Wizard Of Oz.
I also agree that it is Ok to share files and burn discs. By doing this I have heard the music of many bands which otherwise I would not be able to access. Like most of those who have replied to this thread....if I like the album I buy when I can. Being where I am mean that it is very difficult to find alot of these albums...unless I order them from overseas. I do infact order at least a couple of CDs a month from Germany ...funds permitting. I agree with's about the music and not about making money....which is why I am so disenchanted with Maiden at the moment.
Originally posted by Blessed Night Child
Power Quest, Howling Syn, And Dragonforce appreciate all the help they have gotten from MP3 B/C without this kind of exposure they wouldn't have international fans already.

DragonForce inparticular are a shining example of how mp3s can make a band. I'd've thought their success with this technique would show clearly that mp3s CAN work amazingly well in promoting a band.

ATHALLUS' post was beautiful, btw :)