Where are you downloading music from?


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
Visit site
I'd like to see some answers without starting a flamewar. I was talking to Creeps and realized I haven't heard a lot of the new albums because I don't know where to find them online.

As a quick aside, I buy a LOT of CDs. Since the advent of Napster/Audiogalaxy (boy do I miss AG), I have purchased enough CDs to at least quadruple my collection, and probably have about 250 CDs. I'd attribute over half of those to downloading MP3s, because I am not the type of person to buy something witout ever having heard the band. So, these programs allow me to continue to buy CDs that keep the artists in business.

Anyway, I've used Kazaa a bit, but find the selection for metal/power metal VERY limited, as in almost nonexistant. I've heard good things about direct connect, but am not sure I like the what I perceive to be the security in it.

What are the share programs people are using to find new music nowadays.

