Downloading Opeth songs from the Net


Lord and Liar
May 31, 2001
Visit site
How do you feel about people downloading OPETH from the Internet (Napster), *instead* of buying their CDs?

Is OPETH to good to be downloaded? I mean, I have downloaded some bands that were worthwhile, but I never bothered to afford their albums. With OPETH however, I feel like I must have the originals in order to feel good about the band.
Well it's good if you want to check Opeth out with a few songs, not ever hearing them before. But any self respecting Opeth fan will buy the cd's.
People downloading mp3s instead of buying the cds probably isn't very good. But then again, those are a relatively small part of the downloaders. Most are people who download the mp3s instead of never hearing Opeth at all, or people who download music and then buy the cd instead of listening to it at the cd-store and then buying the cd.

I don't know how the money flows in these more obscure music circles, but what the riaa is pushing in the us is obviously complete bullshit.
Well , I heard all the Blackwater Park songs on file , and didn't enjoy them at all , but being an Opethian and knowing that you have to get into the album I bought it and I must say it's equal with some of the other albums . But it's ok for someone to download a few songs , I wouldn't of known about metal if it wasn't for the net .
The vast majority of Napster, HotLine (is that what it's called?) and Gnutella users are downloading mainstream music, whose artists are already buying their third gold-plated Jaguar.

Anything more obscure isn't being as harmed - though that's not to say that they're not losing money. The more popular the band, the more downloads. So I'd wager that Opeth, and other, more obscure bands, are losing very little to the download market.

Last I read, Galder from OMC/Dimmu was living in his mother's basement. No gold plated jaguars for him.

Plus, why waste hard drive space on 20 minute songs anyway? Real fans should support the artist. I've gladly shelled out $30 Canadian for an Opeth album, knowing it was worth every penny and then some. I'm just glad cds can't really be worn out.

And mp3s sound like shit. But vinyl afficionados say the same about cds :heh:
Yea, napster is down there in the 'incredibly shitty programs' category together with realplayer, quicktime, icq, aim and a bunch of others.